Thursday, September 3, 2020

Compensation and Security for Employees Free Essays

Examined in this paper will be the means by which workers are classified and at what level they are arranged at. What the objectives and desires for each level are and how they can be reached. How pay is scattered and granted and how the pay is given. We will compose a custom article test on Pay and Security for Employees or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now This paper will likewise talk about what sort of remuneration is given, regardless of whether the pay is money related or in another structure. This paper will likewise examine what the motivations will be for revealing maltreatment of different workers or infringement of organization strategies and methods. The means that the organization will take to save all impetuses for the various classifications and workers reasonable and equivalent. What sort of payouts for the various exhibitions in every class. The paper will likewise remember a segment for why the pay is granted and how they will compensate the worker or gathering (Snell, 2010). The most effective method to set the program to present the motivating force and when they will be granted and how. It will likewise talk about whether the impetus is given yearly or on the off chance that it is given quarterly. Additionally in the paper it will talk about how to persuade representatives and how to keep workers spurred. Peruse this Chapter 2 †Why Security is Needed Likewise being talked about will place in a pay intend to draw in new workers. Realizing how to oversee shamefulness and workers who think it is out of line to offer a motivating force for a specific presentation or for an association. Placing the means in classifications will likewise assist the injustice. Additionally being talked about is the way the pay will be introduced. What steps will be taken to guarantee that all representatives are qualified for the remuneration program. Giving the means out so the worker comprehends what is normal. Pay and Security for Employees A few organizations have various degrees of representatives; some incorporate section level workers to administrators. Classifying workers is somewhat troublesome, particularly if there is a great deal of turn over. A few representatives that have been in the organization for over a year may at present be in a passage level position, however have the right to be at a lesser level position. The fundamental reason for this program is to guarantee a low representative turnover. These representatives ought to be repaid not for their position yet how they act in that position (Snell, 2010). Different organizations may give a reward or remuneration for getting employed into the organization. Rewards are given predominantly in financial style; they are given additionally if the worker is at the organization for a half year or more. Ordering representatives is a difficult task, yet in addition can set aside on cash. Sorting representatives from passage level to CEO is troublesome particularly if there are a few levels. The initial step is to sort workers is to realize what number of representatives are in each level. Likewise remembered for the initial step is a portrayal of what every representative level is. What number of workers there are in each level and how they get the motivating force in the level. Level 1: section level-fifty representatives, these workers are the ones that have as of late been employed, or have been with the organization for a half year to a year. Visit turnover accumulates with in the initial two months of recruit (Snell, 2010). That is the reason a motivator is give after the half year in the position. Level 2: junior level-thirty representatives, these are the workers that have been with the organization for a year or increasingly a financial motivating force is typically given after the representative has given their promise to the organization for 18 months. Level 3: lead level-twenty representatives, these workers are the leads in their units or divisions, they have been advanced from the lesser level and have worked for the organization for more the 2 years. The primary motivating force is the advancements; they likewise find an impetus for line of work exhibitions in the initial a half year in the wake of turning into a lead. Level 4: boss level-fifteen representatives, these workers have additionally been drives that have been advanced (Ederhof, 2011). Administrators have worked for the organization for a long time or more. The motivating force for this level is following a time of being a director. The administrative level remuneration will be founded on work execution, and the administrators past exhibitions. Level 5: director level-forty representatives, these workers are either employed for the chief level or they have been advanced from the administrator level. These workers are focused on the organization. Their motivating force is for work execution, going well beyond the call of their position. Level 6: Coordinator’s level-seventeen workers, these representatives are recorded as high as officials. These organizers are spending facilitators, monetary organizers, organization occasion organizers. These representatives are employed outside the organization; they are recruited for their aptitudes of planning a few offices. These representatives realize how to function through pressure and cutoff times. This level remuneration depends exclusively on execution; there is as yet the half year pay after recruit. Remuneration shows how they work through the pressure and cutoff times (Ederhof, 2011). Level 7: director’s level-ten workers, these representatives are likewise employed outside the organization; they have what it takes and experience to carry out their responsibility. These representatives are answerable for a few divisions and the workers that work in those offices. The chiefs are higher than the supervisors. This is the place choosing how the pay will function for the rest of the levels will get somewhat more troublesome. They likewise are objective situated and will make objectives for the offices they run (Reh, 2013). Level 8: Administration Assistant’s level: five representatives, these workers are normally recruited outside because of injustice of different representatives. The workers have four to five years’ involvement with the field. Clerical specialists work legitimately with the CO’s and presidents. Their work is checked over any representative in the organization. Their stakes are higher with regards to motivators and pay. This isn't a section level position. Level 9: CO’s level-twelve representatives, these workers have explicit zones of understanding. A portion of the CO’s that would be in the organization are: Chief official (CEO) boss records official (CAO), boss data official (CIO), (CFO) to give some examples. There is around eight to ten years’ involvement with their field. They will probably keep things in their area of expertise running easily. Level 10: presidents level five workers; this level is the most troublesome level to do motivations and pay. They are the most elevated and generally experienced in their regions. This degree of work settles on every single official conclusion in the organization. They work intimately with executives in every division; realizing what is happening all through the organization is another target that this level is kinfolk on. Defining objectives and desires for the various levels isn't as simple as it appears. The upper levels will have more troublesome objectives and desires to accomplish than the lower levels. This is the second step in the impetuses and remunerations plan. Anything that should be talked about each level ought to be examined with each level in a gathering or a gathering (Super Jobs for You, 2009). Get the workers associated with their objectives and desires. Defining objectives and desires are significant, it keeps representatives inspired and looking forward. Level 1: objectives setting and desires for the passage level positions. Plunking down with the level 1 representatives the organization discovered that a portion of the objectives are truly comparative. Having the workers define objectives for themselves will enable the representatives to accomplish sensible objectives and set short and long haul objectives (Goals and Expectations, 2011). Objectives for passage level workers would include: to climb in the organization, to have ventures done at the very latest the cutoff time, having the option to type 50 words for every moment consistently for a month. Bring work execution up to five percent in about fourteen days. Another objective would be prevail upon clients that have not been in for some time. Accomplishing this objective would be for each level one representative. The objective is get back 3 clients inside sixty days. Some close to home objectives for representatives at level one is: having the option to make some noise in gatherings, coexist with collaborators better, to converse with their bosses significantly better without being scared of being dismissed. Level 2 representatives have indistinguishable objectives from the level one worker with certain distinctions. A few objectives that level two representatives have set for themselves are as per the following: needing to climb in the organization, get deals up to 10% before the following quarter. The motivator for arriving at the client objective would be a hundred dollars and free lunch on the organization for 3 workers of level one and three representatives for level two. A portion of the motivations for the level one representative, when they have accomplished their objective, would be an advancement with an increase in salary. For completing a task before the cutoff time would be a fifty dollar reward on their next check. Level two workers would be the equivalent, an advancement and an increase in salary. When they accomplish their objective of getting deals up the organization will give motivating force for the initial three representatives who arrive at the objective. The motivation will be seven days excursion with pay. For level 3 workers the objective setting is more confused. A few objectives could be: having their area of expertise arrives at a group objective inside thirty days. A group objective could be to build correspondence through the whole office. Likewise getting representative input from the divisions to arrive at the particular objective (Goals and Expectations, 2011). Giving out month to month progress reports to level one and two representatives, telling the workers how they are getting along and where they are to accomplish their very own and expert objectives. When the correspondence objective is reached by one division the whole office will get fifty dollars on t

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Software Piracy beyond the Street Corner Essay -- Technology Lawsuits

Programming Piracy past the Street Corner On January 23, 2003, the world’s driving PC organizing hardware creator Cisco Systems, headquartered in San Jose California, recorded a claim against China-based Huawei Technologies and its United States auxiliaries Huawei America and FutureWei Technologies. In the claim, Cisco affirmed that Huawei took licensed innovation by replicating its Internet Operating System (IOS) programming and its copyrighted client manuals. Cisco likewise asserted that Huawei encroached on its licenses. After various bombed endeavors to determine these grumblings legitimately with Huawei, which incorporated a stop this instant letter to one of Huawei’s United Kingdom wholesalers, Cisco concluded that a claim was important to secure the organization and its shareholder’s advantages. The claim was prepared through United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. This paper will give a review of this milestone case and talk about whether each organization had an alternate perspective on morals that began from varying social points of view. I. Case Background Cisco Systems’ 77 page grumbling recorded in the United States District Court for the Easter District of Texas requested a preliminary by jury because of Huawei’s misappropriation and protected innovation encroachment in the improvement of its contending Quidway switches. One of Huawei’s United States based entirely possessed auxiliary, FutureWei, is situated in Plano, Texas; the other auxiliary Huawei America is situated in California’s Silicon Valley, close by Cisco Systems’ home office. The China-based parent organization is a multi-billion dollar partnership that has fabricated system and media communications gear since 1988. Huawei promoted its Quidway switch... ... â€Å"Huawei: Cisco Code is Gone,† April 15, 2003, [3] â€Å"Cisco Wins Huawei Injunction,† June 9, 2003, [4] â€Å"Managing in the Multicultural Environment†, Charis Intercultural Training Corporation, 2004. [5] â€Å"Differences of Opinion: The Cisco-Huawei Lawsuit†, The Hoffman Agency, China High Tech PR Newsletter, [6] â€Å"WTO Ministerial Conference Approves China’s Accession†, November 10, 2001 Press Release, [7] The United States and China: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Protection, [8] Baase, S.; A Gift of Fire, second version, Prentice Hall, 2003. Banners got from

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Homers Odyssey:Discussion of the Final Volume, Book XXIV :: Odyssey essays

The Odyssey: A Discussion of the Final Volume, Book XXIV   Homer’s epic, The Odyssey is the exemplary story of the homecoming of the warrior and lord Odysseus. It is one of the most suffering bits of writing known to man. The exercises and stories from the epic are life-changing. In any case, there are a few challenges that the contemporary peruser has with The Odyssey. These incorporate issues, for example, troublesome language, unrelated stories, and the refrain style it was written in. Nonetheless, the focal point of this paper is the last volume of the epic. This volume, Book XXIV, is generally noted as rather unsatisfying. Many accept that it is basically an epilog (having the epic truly finishes in Book XXII when Odysseus murdered the admirers.) Some researchers accept that the last book isn't even Homeric. This article will examine why Book XXIV is a decent end and how it identifies with the remainder of the story, which would give a case to it being Homeric. In Book XXIV, entitled Warriors, Farewell, Homer wouldn't appear to like to have a stupendous closure, but instead conveniently wrap up the entirety of the remaining details. There are three significant parts to this book, they include: the journey of the suitors’ shades to Hades and discourse among Agamemnon and Amphimedon; the account of Odysseus and Telemakhos visiting Odysseus’ father, Laertes; and the beginning of tje quarrel between the groups of the admirers and the place of Odysseus and Laertes (which could have destroyed the nation of Ithaca) which was halted by the Zeus and Athena. Homer beginnings Book XXIV in Hades as Agamemnon and Akhilleus welcome the shades of the admirers that Odysseus murdered in Book XXII. One of the shades tells Agamemnon of how Penelope was dependable and how Odysseus came back to deliver his retribution. Agamemnon, who upon his homecoming after the Trojan war was murdered by his double-crossing spouse, was astounded by this story. This is completely predictable with the prior delineation of Agamemnon in Hades (Book XI) in which he advises Odysseus to be careful with Penelope for she may have been unfaithful. This gathering among Agamemnon and the shades of the admirers bodes well since the account of Agamemnon was one frequently alluded to during the epic. This kind of polishes off the Agamemnon story. The presentation of the suitors’ conceals likewise serves to once more strengthen the subject of neighborliness.

Slow Down and Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Slow Down and Play - Essay Example particularly a parent to continue demanding that their kids should coordinate every one of their endeavors towards scholastic work, anyway significant it might be, and overlook permitting them an opportunity to blend with their companions through useful exercises, for example, sports and youngster games (Miller 2008 p 49). This is because of the way that it encourages them to turn out to be progressively mindful of their environmental factors just as improving their socialization aptitudes which are basic in their later lives particularly in situations that require sharing of assets. So as to encounter this, I have had the option to go out and play, with the goal of seeing more on the genuine impacts of taking an interest in games. This I achieved by including myself in two diverse brandishing exercises for example playing football and ascending mountains. Note this requires individual inspiration particularly in hiking because of the way that there are a great deal of difficulties included, which may dishearten somebody from achieving his crucial. Not at all like in other expert brandishing exercises, for example, those associated with Olympics just as football rivalries, whereby members are consistently under tension from backers, fans and their legislatures to achieve the objective of procuring an award, playing for this situation was simply inborn as the people included were out to have a ton of fun without caring much on the accomplishments, truth be told, we took it a method of spending relaxation and unwinding from the standard undertakings which are exhau sting and focusing. Hiking is somewhat a troublesome errand particularly since it requires a great deal of endurance and certainty to empower you to clutch the stones just as to stay aware of the pace of other colleagues. Football then again requires cooperation and all things considered, the achievement of your group relies upon how well you compute your moves fused with absence of self-centeredness in passing the ball. From this experience, it is consistent with state that collaboration regardless of whether it is between

Friday, August 21, 2020

Technology Education and National Development Free Essays

string(204) The Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1996, pg 377) characterizes improvement as developing or turning out to be further developed or an ongoing significant occasion which is the most recent in a progression of related events. Innovation EDUCATION AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE PLACE OF INFRASTRUCTURE BY SUBAIR, S. TAYO AND ASHIRU, AL-MAHROOF. OLASEEWO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS AKOKA †LAGOS BEING A PAPER PRESENTED AT THE NIGERIAN ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING (NAEAP) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE VENUE:JULIUS BERGER AUDITORIUM UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS DATE:24TH †27TH SEPTEMBER 2007 Abstract Innovation instruction has been characterized as a consistent procedure of a specialized curriculum and preparing bestowed in people for them to accomplish financial autonomy. We will compose a custom exposition test on Innovation Education and National Development or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now One significant pith of innovation instruction is self-food and social turn of events. This paper investigates the elements relevant to practical innovation training and its suggestions for national turn of events, by looking at the ideas of innovation instruction, national turn of events, framework and objectives of innovation training. The paper goes further to asses the improvement status of Nigeria, the applicable of foundation in the arrangement of suitable innovation instruction and a few zones along strategies, practices, mentalities, and sharpening of the general population towards guzzling innovation training that can cultivate national turn of events. Presentation The premise of Nigeria’s theory of training is the incorporation of the person into a sound and viable resident, such a way of thinking as explained in the National Policy on Education (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). The objective of national advancement is not really feasible without innovation, which fills in as a vehicle for the procurement of suitable information, aptitudes, capacities and abilities of both mental and physical nature. This is hardware for the person to live in his general public, and to gain a significant and adjusted information on realities about nearby and world marvels. The historical underpinnings of innovation is from Greek word ‘tekhne’, which alludes to a craftsmanship or make, and ‘logia’ which implies region of study. Just characterized, innovation is a study of creating. Collins English Dictionary (2005, pg. 1675) characterizes innovation as the use of down to earth or mechanical sciences to industry or business, the strategies, hypothesis and works on administering such application and the absolute information and abilities accessible to any human culture. Instruction, as characterized by Adesina, Fagbamiye and Talabi (1985) is a device for the joining of the people viably into a general public to empower them accomplish self social, financial, political, logical, social and innovative advancement. Presently, in the period of globalization, the developing significance of trans-outskirt instruction arrangements especially, in the territory of innovation is very justifiable. By and large, partners are on edge to see that instructive foundations convey what they ought to convey and that what they convey produces alluring results. These alluring results incorporate, among others, changes in structures, perspectives and establishments just as the increasing speed of monetary development, the decrease of disparity and destruction of supreme neediness. Subsequently, in tending to the issue of national improvement opposite innovation training, it is of gigantic need to show the comprehension of the marvel advancement and furthermore to outfit the records of advancement before we can choose what we pay special mind to in a created, immature, creating country, etc. The Concept of Technology Education According to Adeogun (2004), Ogunranti (1988) and Ukeje (1991), innovation is the utilization of science and logical information to make the world increasingly proficient utilizing mechanical strategies. Innovation can likewise be seen as the whole of the manners by which a social gathering furnishes for themselves with the materials of development, hence science and innovation go connected at the hip. It could be viewed as admissible at that point to state that innovation is an orderly methodology in an incorporated procedure to accomplish down to earth reason or accomplish a finished result. Thus, innovation includes a handy commitment, that is, the demonstration of doing, which is intended to take care of human issues experimentally and methodicallly. Interpreted from its Latin root, ‘educo’ or ‘educare’, the word instruction implies ‘to lead’. At the end of the day, training suggests indicating the way. On fundamental level, instruction is the procedure by which an individual or gathering of people lead in the demonstration of procuring new information or experience. Ajelabi (2000) sees instruction as inferring the experience that an individual gets in contact with or which one experiences with or without the school. As per Collins Dictionary (2005, pg. 433), training is the demonstration or procedure of granting information, particularly at school, school or college, the craftsmanship or procedure of getting information, the information or preparing obtained by this procedure, the hypothesis of educating and learning; or a specific sort of extraordinary orders (directions) or preparing. From the prior, an operational meaning of innovation instruction required for this paper ventures innovation training as a nonstop procedure of a specialized curriculum, preparing and orders granted in people for the improvement of inventive plans to guarantee financial autonomy. It could be contended that the kind of training which Nigeria understudies and understudies are presented to at various degrees of instruction in the educational system today can't support the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. This can be validated with the worry about quality which is highest in any instructive talk everywhere throughout the world, and Nigeria specifically. The United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (1999) sees that quality in training is a multi-dimensional idea which should grasp â€Å"all capacities and exercises: instructing, scholastic projects, research and grant, staffing, understudies, structures, offices, hardware, administrations to the network and scholarly environment†. To show that one is taught implies that all parts of his/her life is changed to impact and be affected without anyone else, physical, social, political, practical and otherworldly situations. Consequently, innovation instruction should concentrate on gainful abilities that are saleable to the world, in this way making such a nation a capacity to connect with. The Concept of National Development National advancement is established in a power of progress than can raise desires, through maintainable and expansive based financial development. It could likewise be seen as the totality of all exercises inside a country whose principle objective is to increase the living expectations and general prosperity of the individuals. Collins English Dictionary (2005, pg. 443) characterizes advancement as the demonstration or procedure of developing or creating or the result of creating. The Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1996, pg 377) characterizes improvement as developing or turning out to be further developed or an ongoing significant occasion which is the most recent in a progression of related occasions. You read Innovation Education and National Development in class Papers With the end goal of this paper, national advancement implies the fulfillment and food of the social, political and monetary necessities of the individuals of a state (country). It could likewise be thought of as arranged exercises which center around expanding and augmenting the limits so they can effectively deal with more prominent situations in a country. National advancement normally centers around improving the applied aptitudes †the scholarly and capacities expected to deal with complex circumstances and make a superior showing. With financial necessities, an adjustment in the monetary and social super-structure of the general public is ensured. It is an improvement in the procedures of creation in the utilization decisions open to the normal resident, in the strength of the resident, in the conduct of resident, etc. It includes both quantitative and non-quantitative perspectives. Additionally, it includes decrease in pay imbalance, joblessness and destitution (Adeogun, 2003). Bannock (1977) opines that monetary advancement is identified with the procedure of development altogether and per capita salary of creating countries joined by basic changes in the structures of their economies. As needs be, these progressions for the most part comprise of the expanding significance of mechanical, instead of agrarian, movement, decrease of reliance on imports from the further developed maker and shopper merchandise, and reliance on horticultural or mineral items as primary fares, and a lessening dependence on helps from different nations. Going with this monetary procedure are specialist political and socio-social changes planned for settling such issues as social hardship, obliviousness, political precariousness and destitution. Along these lines, national advancement can be seen as the totality of the considerable number of exercises inside a country whose principle objective is to increase the living expectations and general prosperity of the individuals. The Concept of Infrastructure According to Coombs (1991), the instructive framework is a component of the quality and amount of data sources. Of centrality are the structures, hardware and space. This view picks up the underwriting of Ejiogu (1984) and Nwagwu (1983) who note that of the four significant factors trying to adjust the subjective and quantitative development of any instructive framework is the quality and number of foundation as structures, hardware and gear; their maximal use and appropriate upkeep culture of the understudies, staff and network individuals that utilization

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

SIPA Love Stories Love is a poem COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

SIPA Love Stories Love is a poem COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Heres our sixth and last story were sharing in this mini series. This final story is actually a poem someone wrote for their classmate. A  SIPA love poem: I dont have any pic left but only a poem written in 2006 for my SIPA classmate : Poem for Sarah Autumn of 2005. Resistance, struggle, hesitation Jostle in the bosom of the newcomer. Yet still a flicker of expectation Upon arrival in New York, The city dreamed of. Then Columbia, SIPA. Weight of study: Meetings assignments papers reports; No interruption to the flurry of work As precious life is left to waste. No one to turn to among these cold connections And in the sudden sickness That pushes me to death’s rim. New home, New York Frigid as the ice of winter. Then… Seemed it couldn’t be true: Sarah, The loveliest girl my life had ever seen Came to my heart. In the nights of swirling snowflakes And the freeze of subzero mornings, You were ever shining with your sunlight, Giving me warmth that lasted all day. And with the heat of a fire on a summer’s afternoon You lit the dull classroom discussions, Making me forget all concerns. Among the things Of that year in New York, What I will treasure most Is not the great charm of the Big Apple, Not the beautiful grounds of an IVY League school. It is a girl called Sarah. She fills my memory, Occupies my thoughts. And if I yearn to return to New York And relive being a student at SIPA, It is only because I wish to Replay the time that we shared, And hold on tightly to moments Of beauty ineffable, Praying for time to leave me there. Alinson I hope youve enjoyed them all as much as I have.  And dont forget to return to  the blog tomorrow, Valentines Day,  to discover some new connections Seeple submitted to us this week! And a big thank you to Columbia Alumni Association for coordinating the series. Find the entire Love Stories collection in  Columbia Alumni Associations  Facebook album.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The joy of giving in a firm - Free Essay Example

The Joy of Giving mainly emphasizes a number of ways to reward the employees on a small scale, which has proven to be more effective than large bonuses for many companies. In companies, when the need to make every employee feel an important part of the organization becomes a priority, such gestures which are on an individual or group level play a vital role in fulfilling the need. This are also known as Motivators as they help in boosting the morale of employees and keeps them motivated and driven to fulfill the organizations goals , along with their own personal goals. Motivation is the result of the internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. It results from factors like the intensity of desire or need, the incentive or reward value of the goal and the expectations of the individual. There are many motivation theories which support the gift giving behavior in the Joy of Giving, however, the study conducted in this paper will be of three of the renowned studies, and discuss them in detail while critically analyzing the methods used in the case study. Frederick Herzbergs Two Factor theory (Kalleberg, A., 1977, pp. 124-143) about the motivation of the employees relates to that certain factors in the work place, which according to him lead to the presence of Job Satisfaction in employees in an organization. The specific factors might vary for every individual; the presence of these will motivate employees and the absence of these would lead to de-motivation among the employees. They will not add much value when they are present, but will cause a lot of damage psychologically to the employees which can result in lower productivity and level of output for the employees. However, they can be distinguished into two major categories, which include: Motivators These include the factors which lead to pos itive satisfaction. The main motivators for most people would be challenging work which requires effort and the successful completion of the tasks would lead to a sense of achievement. This sense of achievement is important according to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Also, recognition of work well done would also be a motivating factor, as the employees get acknowledged for the work they do. This gives them the confidence that the work they do is being noticed and is given importance by the organization. Hygiene Factors The other type of factor is the hygiene factor which includes elements like salary, job security, status and fringe benefits. These are the factors, when missing from the organization give immense dissatisfaction to the employees. This Motivator-Hygiene Theory supports the gift giving behavior in the companies mentioned in the Joy of Living. The employees of Brassiere retailer, Bravissimo, have to deal with customers on a regular basis, and in the service indus try, the higher the level of service, the higher the customer loyalty, the better the sales. Therefore, it is even more important in the service industry that the employees understand and implement the vision and the mission of the company policy. There is a difference in fulfilling the job description and taking ownership of the job and going beyond by doing what is best for the organization. The extra mile is taken by the employees when they know they will be rewarded and recognized for it. For this, the company needs to keep the employees satisfied and motivated. One way of doing this, according to the Herzbergs Two Factor Theory is by providing them with motivators, like the little gifts that Bravissimo is already giving to its employees. Bravissimo does not randomly hand out gifts, its a part of the well thought out strategy. They give gifts when at the times when the employee needs to be made felt special. Holiday times, birthdays always have the soft corner in everyones li ves, and when noticed and celebrated by small, thoughtful gestures like a bottle of champagne, chocolate snowmen at Christmas, etc., by the company leads to a strong goodwill, and a loyalty, which is rarely replaceable by generic bonuses to all. The additional factor that Bravissimo takes into account is the factor that it takes feedback from the employees to keep its gift giving up to date, and in tune with the needs of the employees, and corrects its policy wherever its employees feel it is lacking. Another theory that supports the acts of companies like Peppermint PR, which is a communications firm and gives out special rewards to an employee working harder than usual, or going beyond their job description, is the positive reinforcement theory which is a part of the Operant Conditioning. Operant Conditioning is when the environment is operated upon, and the consequences are then maintained. In simpler words, a few factors in the environment are changed, which then leads to the required behavior. The four contexts of the Operant conditioning are listed and discussed below in an organizational setting. Positive Reinforcement This is a form of reinforcement which is used to encourage certain wanted behavior of the employees. For example, the employer would want the employees to go the extra mile to provide better services to their customers, achieve the necessary goal in the time allocated, etc. Such behavior is encouraged by the organization, when it is followed by a stimulus that is rewarding to the employees, which then leads to a repetition in that behavior. For example, a difficult task when achieved within the deadline by an employee can be awarded with an additional bonus, or the effort can be acknowledged at the Reward and Recognition Night of the Company. Negative Reinforcement Such reinforcement is to again encourage certain behavior, but instead of rewarding, it continuously gives a negative stimulus, which is only removed when the certain required behavior is achieved. For example, in the case of an employee, s/he will have a portion of his salary removed till s/he is able to achieve the task at hand within the time allocated to the employee and with the resources allocated. Positive Punishment Positive Punishment is used to discourage an action, this occurs when an action is followed by an unwanted reaction. For example, if an employee falls short on the job, the supervisor can then have a meeting with him/her to give him/her a warning. This will ensure that the employee does not slack off on the job again. Negative Punishment This is to discourage an action by taking away a wanted stimulus. For example, a portion of the salary will be deducted from the employees paycheck, followed by an unwanted behavior. Keeping in accordance with the Positive Reinforcement theory from Operant Conditioning, the Peppermint PR gives out thoughtful gifts to appreciate some work, or extra help that an employ ee provided to the organization, or to another employee, as stated by Carolyn Axtell To be singled outÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦.more likely to motivate someone to repeat same positive actions. The factor that Peppermint PR keeps as most important is that individuals should be highlighted, and the gifts should be given soon after the positive behavior demonstrated. According to the Alderfers ERG theory (Boshoff, C. Arnold, C., 2002, pg. 677- 719) there are three types of needs, existence, relatedness needs and growth needs. Existence refers to basic needs that are required for an employee to keep working. Relatedness need refers to the social environment that an employee craves for. Growth refers to the desire for the personal achievement that an employees from a job. A basic salary covers the basic needs, a thriving office environment and culture covers the relatedness needs, whereas, the reward and recognition which leads to the sense of achievement is the highest stage of the three needs. Growth need is very important, and small token of appreciation, such as the gift giving in the companies, can also be used to create that necessary sense of achievement which motivates the employees and drives them to further achieve goals and tasks allocated to them. The gift giving behavior of the companies mentioned, is supported by all three theories. Every theory accepts the need of the basic factor which makes employees join the labor force and an organization, however, more than that is required to keep the employee satisfied, motivated and productive. The pushing factor may vary for different employees in different organizations, however, the gift giving behavior is enjoyed and appreciated by the employees of the above mentioned companies. 2) Reward defined in simple terms is the return for service, or merit. The reward in order to be effective, and noticed, needs to be tangible enough to be seen as recognition of the service or merit. One of the myths from Pffeffer (1998 b, pp. 9-13), is that people work for money. This myth has been believed by people for centuries now. That has been the reason why to reward employees; the employers give the employees the bonuses or raises in the salaries. However, according to the Alderfers ERG theory (2002, pp.677-719), after the existence needs have been fulfilled, other needs like relatedness and growth need to be fulfilled, otherwise, there is no satisfaction in the job. The basic salary is the existence need, but other needs also need to be catered to, to keep the employee motivated. For loyalty, and for rewarding employees, companies like Madgex appreciate the work of the employees with cakes. Such gestures are said to cater to the other needs of the employees, which a basic salary does not fulfill. Hawthorne Studies (Frank Kaul, 1978, pp. 623-643), provides a theory quite contrary to the one which has been implemented by Madgex. Hawthorne Studies cut out the breaks of the e mployees, and brought the women back to longer working hours. This, contrary to popular belief, instead of reducing productivity, it gradually increased it. When studied in detail, it was concluded that the social environment also helps in the productivity of the employees, where they can create the atmosphere of their own choice, where they can socialize, talk, and enjoy the atmosphere they work in. The raised self-esteem of the employees was the reason why the productivity increased. The conclusion of the Hawthorne Studies, (Frank Kaul, 1978) proves that monetary benefits, or material gifts are not always the ones that will lead to an increase in motivation and productivity, a factor like the work environment can also prove to be of great significance. In some cases, to make the employees work harder, factors other than material benefits might need to altered, and in such scenarios, no number of gifts would increase productivity or motivation. The method of giving gifts, ma y not be the most appropriate to increase the self esteem of the employees. If the employees perceive the gifts to be of little value, cheap or meaningless, they will not add value to the employees self esteem, and might even prove to be unfavorable. For example, Recruitment manager at Metaswitch believes that generic gifts should be given to the employees as they would have broader appeal. This would have little value for the employees if the gift is as generic as a bonus, and is not even that value adding. If the employees start perceiving that the gifts are being given to the favorites of the employers, then instead of seeming as a reward, they will start resenting it. If given to too many employees, then the employees who will not receive it will be de-motivated and it might raise a level of frustration. A similar policy is followed at Bravissimo where little-and-often approach is followed while giving out gifts. When these rewards come too often, they become expected and los e their value, and the reason for the gift giving gets nullified. This, instead of increasing motivation will decrease the morale of the employees. There are advantages of giving gifts to employees, but there are also cons if the gift giving strategy is not thoroughly thought out and major factors like the time interval and the number of recipients is not considered. If handled well, the gifts can lift morale, if not, and then it can lead to adverse consequences for the organization and the self esteem of the employees.