Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Case 2 - Find Somebody Else Essay - 691 Words
Case 2: Find somebody else Question 1: What principles of supportive communication and supportive listening are violated in this case? During the conversation between Ron Davis – the relatively new general manager of the machine tooling group at Parker Manufacturing and Mike – a plant manager who reported to Ron, Ron had violated some principles of supportive communication and supportive listening. First of all, Ron had violated Descriptive and Problem-Oriented principles. For example, Ron expressed his thinking and opinion about what Mike did and stated Mike’s personalities: â€Å"I think you’re too chummy with some of your female personnel†or â€Å"I think you’re creating a substandard impression by not wearing a tie†and â€Å"Having things in†¦show more content†¦* Violated Descriptive Example: I think you’re too chummy with some of your female personnel. Having things in disarray reflects poorly on you. * Violated problem-oriented Example: I think you’re creating a substandard impression by not wearing a tie. I wonder if you are paying attention to these reports. You seem to be reviewing them superficially. * Violated validating Example: There are some others things, though, that need to get corrected. * Violated specific Example: As I walked through this morning, I noticed that it wasn’t as orderly and neat as I would like to see it. * Illustrated Conjunctive Example: You may not be sensitive to what’s really going on with them. But that raises another thing I noticed. Regarding neatness, I notice that you don’t dress like a plant manager. * Illustrated Owned Example: I’m glad you’re sensitive to the neatness issue. I just think you need to pay attention to it. You just need to get more serious about taking care of that part of your responsibility. * Violated Supportive Listening Example: That may be so, but you need to be more careful. Question 4: Conduct a role play. Handle the key issues that exist between Ron and Mike. Identify the principles that you used to make this a productive conversation. If you were Ron, what would you do in your follow-up meeting with Mike? The principles that I used to make it more productiveShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Relational Unions And Connections1675 Words  | 7 Pagesrelationship whereby a few people may cheat as an endeavor to escape a relationship (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 2). In most sentimental connections the most well-known sort of swindling is the sexual duping where somebody hones sexual conduct outside a submitted relationship. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
We Learn Culture Through Communication - 978 Words
Culture is not something you’re born with, like blue eyes or black hair; culture is something you learn through communication (O Hair Wiemann, pg.67, 2011). Culture also includes your continued way of thinking, feeling and behaving. Just as we learn culture through communication, we also use communication to express our culture (O Hair Wiemann, pg.68, 2011). As a child I observed all of my mother’s behaviors. From observing my mother I quickly learned three things respect, independence and honesty. Many say I am very independent just as my mother is. Within cultures, there are co-cultures. Co-cultures are groups whose members share at least some of the general culture’s system of thought and behavior, but which have distinct characteristics or group attitudes that both unify them and distinguish them from the general culture. Some co-cultures are defined by interest, activities, opinions, or by membership in particular organizations (O Hair Wiemann, pg.80, 20 11). There are several co-cultures in which I identify. I am an African American woman, student, mother, daughter, sister, Christian, quiet and very outgoing person. I enjoy sports but do not play them. I also enjoy helping others. I value my family, friends and life itself. I may be African American but I associate with others that are white, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Italian and much more. Back in high school I was â€Å"shy†co-cultured but now I am more confident and don’t mind conversation with strangers. All ofShow MoreRelatedCommunication Is A Human Relationship Essay1593 Words  | 7 PagesCommunication is one of the most loosely defined terms in cultural studies. It encompasses a whole variety of experiences, events, actions and multitude happenings. The English world communication has been derived from latin word ‘communis’ which means to make common. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Taking the Cleaners to Westfield Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Taking the Cleaners to Westfield. Answer: The unions in Australia have already strike their actions in support of an international sweep through the internal retails (Locke, 2012). However, from the last 2years it has been seen that Westfield, which is the largest shopping centre group, has been refusing a pay rise for around 1700 peoples who mainly cleans the shopping malls in Australia. Therefore, the cleaners unions started a campaign known as Clean Start so that their voices can be heard. Their main want is an increase in their pay from $17-$18 along with rise in their CPI. Apart from the demand of wages they further claimed for their job security, clauses where cleaners should not abused, payments should be cash and in hand and so on (Seccombe, 2013). However, unions should seek to involve across the national borders because among the cleaners there are people who are from immigrant backgrounds as well and so along with other mainly the people who are coming from another country to work in Australia finds it very diffic ult to survive in so less money. Therefore, as there are immigrants in the campaign thus, involvement of the national boarders becomes necessary. Westfield against whom this campaign is mainly about because they are stubborn to negotiate (Evans, 2014). They mainly place their accounting cleaners across three continents and therefore, United States as well as United Kingdom comes into the forefront. Thus, taking the campaign across the boarders is necessary to take their issues in a broader platform so that it gets resolved as early as possible. As this campaign known as Clean start is engaging people across the national borders thus, to make this campaign successful it is important that the campaign must keep it in mind that they are attracting people with this cleaners issues in Australia must also be relevant in national borders (Tapia Turner, 2013). There also the issues must have similarities, which can easily attract the people in this campaign therefore it is important that the peoples behavior, habits, needs and motivations must be observed keenly before taking this campaign to the national borders. The key issue of the campaign should slowly present to those who are facing the same issues in the national border. Thus, the audience should be carefully targeted along with the areas and then the unions should do their campaign so that their voices can be reached to right ears and get more supports in national borders. Moreover, the message of the campaign or the reason for the campaign should be consistent. The Union campaign should not divert their cause else, they might looser supporters. Therefore, the circumstances in which this particular union campaign can get success in national boarder if they can seek more supporters overseas by targeting those who are also facing similar causes and can come together with their genuine demands. Therefore, as they have immigrant workers in their Union campaigns thus, taking their campaign to national borders can benefit them if more workers facing similar issues can join them (Connolly, Marino Lucio, 2014). This will not only make their issues get highlighted in broader forum but may also force the government as well as Westfield to negotiate on their demands. References Connolly, H., Marino, S., Lucio, M. M. (2014). Trade union renewal and the challenges of representation: Strategies towards migrant and ethnic minority workers in the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.European Journal of Industrial Relations,20(1), 5-20. Evans, J. (2014). Ideational border crossings: rethinking the politics of knowledge within and across disciplines.Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education,35(1), 45-60. Locke, C. (2012).Workers in the margins: Union radicals in post-war New Zealand. Bridget Williams Books. Seccombe, M (2013) Taking The Cleaners To Westfield, The Global Mail, November 19, 2013,, sourced 20 December 2013 Tapia, M., Turner, L. (2013). Union campaigns as countermovements: mobilizing immigrant workers in France and the United Kingdom.British Journal of Industrial Relations,51(3), 601-622.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Language Arts Development in Elementary
The growth of personality as well as intellectual development comes about when one nurtures and develops his ability to communicate effectively. To develop the ability to communicate effectively the skills of reading, listening, writing, representing ideas visually, and viewing (language arts) are essential for this purpose (Nelson, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language Arts Development in Elementary-Aged Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Gunning (2010), though the language arts are independent from each other they are connected to one another. In this respect, written language comprises of both reading and writing. Spoken communication involves speaking as well as listening. On the other hand, visual language is a result of visual representations and viewing. According to Gunning (2010), reading is the construction or derivation of meaning from a written material. Reading is a tech nique that provides a person with the ability to access a wide array of information that brings about fulfillment and enjoyment. Reading is a fundamental aspect in the elementary aged student’s literacy process. Gunning (2010), argues that through reading elementary students explore their motives and investigate answers that facilitate the understanding of themselves as individuals as well as those around them. For a reading program to be effective there is need for widespread reading among the elementary students accompanied by functional instructions from the teachers. In other words, the teachers have a role of motivating students and cultivating competence through setting goals, managing the behavior in the classroom and making assessments (Gunning, 2010). According to Neuman, Copple, and Bredekamp (2000), writing is a technique that involves submission of an individual’s ideas by encoding them into comprehensible words fitted together to form understandable terms. It is putting on paper one’s ideas. Elementary aged students in developing interest in writing motivate themselves and develop the ability to become mature writers. According to Gunning (2010), this comes as a result of highly effective teaching that facilitates conscious learning among the elementary students.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The teachers should encourage the students to be independent writers, provide motivation, and promote a feeling of competence. The teacher’s assistance should be secondary providing assistance when the student has difficulty in spelling, handwriting as well as encoding material on paper. This will promote independence in writing among the elementary students (Neuman etal, 2000). Speaking is the use of vocals for communication purposes via a particular language. In normal circumstances, elementary students have the ability to speak and express themselves freely. However, in some exceptional instances this is not the case as some students lack the capability to speak. According to Nelson (2011), students develop a better and clearer understanding of speech when subjected to new experiences. In addition, a student may motivate himself to develop ample ways of vocally expressing themselves when they develop new interests. In this respect, a student at elementary level to develop new interests should have diverse experiences to develop their speech and ability to express themselves. According to Gunning (2010), listening becomes the first language art any human being develops. In hearing technological sounds, sounds of nature and the speech of other people infants develop clues of their environmental surroundings. At this age, they are not able to discern what they hear and cannot tune out much. In entering elementary ages, a student should be able to get deeper meaning and purpose in what they hear around them. A t this stage, many students have difficulty in distinguishing what they are supposed to pay attention to and what they should ignore.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language Arts Development in Elementary-Aged Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The technique of reading aloud as well as asking questions develops the skill of listening. According to Gunning (2010), teachers in facilitating development of this skill should capitalize on what the students know and relate old concepts with the new in order to trigger familiarity that facilitate listening. Viewing is the observing and inspection of visual media. It includes watching or observing materials such as pictures, videos, maps, and photographs. In developing this language art skill, the elementary aged student prepares a foundation for skills of critical thinking. The student will need such skills in the higher levels of education. Viewing promotes cr itical thinking as the students in observing the visual images are able to understand their meanings by interpreting their content (Nelson, 2011). According to Nelson (2011), visual representing is the expression of one’s ideas through visual images. With regard to elementary aged students, visual representing comes in the form of collages, drawings, diagrams, and models. The student in conveying information should organize information, and convey such through a visual product. For elementary aged students the complexity of the visual product is insignificant. The important aspect is whether the visual representation has sent the intended message to the viewer. In conclusion, Gunning (2010) acknowledges that though the language arts exist separately in their own respect, they are interrelated. For instance, when reading or speaking about a story filled with humor, the students will develop the concept of humor whereby they will recall the humorous things they had experienced. In turn, they will put such recollection in writing or through visual representing. References Gunning,T. (2010). Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students, (7th Ed.). Pearson: Pearson Publishers.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nelson,A. (2011). The Six Language Arts Skill. Retrieved from Neuman, S. B., Copple, C., Bredekamp, S. (2000). Learning to read and write: Developmentally appropriate practices for young children. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children. This essay on Language Arts Development in Elementary-Aged Children was written and submitted by user Jillian Farmer to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
When So Becomes Annoying
When So Becomes Annoying When â€Å"So†Becomes Annoying When â€Å"So†Becomes Annoying By Maeve Maddox The tiny English word so has numerous uses. Merriam-Webster gives it separate entries as adverb, conjunction, adjective, and pronoun. Most of the time, little so goes about its business unnoticed, but one of its functions has been provoking heated discussion on the Web: the use of so as â€Å"a discourse marker.†The term â€Å"discourse marker†was coined in the 1960s to describe â€Å"a word or phrase whose function is to organize discourse into segments and situate a clause, sentence, etc., within a larger context.†Here are some words and phrases commonly used as discourse markers in speech: well you know like now I think you see oh I mean OK actually These are words we all interject into speech for reasons that have nothing to do with grammar. For example: Well, I was a little worried. Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet. You know, not everyone shares your opinion on that. OK, let’s take a vote. I think I’ll go now. These markers serve no grammatical function, but they do advance discourse in various ways. As a discourse marker at the beginning of a sentence, so may do any of the following: initiate discourse So, how was the interview? mark a shift in topic or activity So, what should we do now? begin an explanation So, disconnect the power cord and remove the back panel. preface the response to any question Interviewer: What is the focus of your research? Interview subject: So, I study samples of creek water to track pollution. avoid giving a direct answer Interviewer: Why did you lay off so many workers? Interview subject: So, our sales have been stagnant for some time. The use of so as a sentence-starter has provoked numerous discussions on the Web. Business consultant Hunter Thurman gives three reasons for avoiding the practice of beginning a sentence with so: 1. â€Å"So†insults your audience. 2. â€Å"So undermines your credibility. 3. â€Å"So†demonstrates that you’re not 100% comfortable with what you’re saying. PR consultant Cherry Chapell, on the other hand, sees this use of so as â€Å"a good way of giving yourself time to think.†Linguistics professor Penelope Gardner-Chloros suggests that a speaker who starts an answer with so â€Å"is saying what he wants to say, like a politician- but trying to make it sound like it’s an answer to the question.†Like many linguistic targets of criticism, so as a sentence-starter draws extreme reactions from the general public. I’ve seen comments that question the intelligence of speakers who begin sentences with so and accuse them of defiling the language. I’ve seen other comments that cite the fact that Seamus Heaney translated the opening â€Å"Hwaet†of Beowulf as â€Å"So!†as proof that so must be all right in any context. The reality is that sometimes so is an appropriate sentence-starter, and sometimes it is an irritant. When a speaker habitually begins sentences with so, listeners may react in one of two ways. Some are able to filter out the so’s and concentrate on content. Others, however, are distracted by them and may tune out the content as they count the so’s. When beginning a sentence with so becomes a verbal tic, it has lost its usefulness as a discourse marker. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?10 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Prime Marks
Prime Marks Prime Marks Prime Marks By Maeve Maddox A reader commenting on a recent post about the En Dash introduced me to a punctuation term that was unfamiliar to me: â€Å"the prime mark†: Heres one for you: teaching about the apostrophe versus the prime or foot mark. Same with the quote marks versus the inch marks. I can only guess that this reader must teach students in specialized fields like mathematics, science, or linguistics, in which prime marks serve important purposes. Like the apostrophe, the prime mark (or two or three) is placed at the upper right of a number or other symbol. Unlike the apostrophe- which is vertical- the prime slants in the direction of the French accent aigu in the word à ©levà ©, but it doesn’t lean as far to the right. Now that I know what a prime mark is and how it differs from an apostrophe, I plan to continue using apostrophes and quotation marks on the rare occasions I want to abbreviate feet, inches, hours, or minutes. I can think of only two common uses of prime marks that one might see in a general publication: 1. To indicate feet and inches, as in this example from a feature in The Telegraph: At 6’5†[sic] Gareth May is no stranger to the giant jibes. 2. To note latitude and longitude, as in these coordinates for the city of San Francisco, California: Latitude: 37 °46†²29†³ N Longitude: 122 °25†²09†³ W A third use that I am familiar with is to indicate hours and minutes. For example, when timing a speech, I use the notation 1’15†to indicate â€Å"one hour, fifteen minutes.†In this context, seconds don’t concern me. Then there’s the ditto mark. Apparently it differs from the double prime in some way because Unicode defines them differently, but most people use quotation marks when they want to use ditto marks to repeat items in a list: Item 1 ream paper red blue green In specialized contexts, distinguishing between apostrophes, quotations marks, prime and double prime may be crucial. In general usage, however, apostrophes and quotation marks work just fine. One concession a writer can is to use straight apostrophes and quotation marks instead of the curly ones. For all you can possibly want to know about the significant uses of the prime mark, explore the Wikipedia article â€Å"Prime (symbol).†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)3 Types of HeadingsPlurals of Proper Names
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Jet Li as Transnational Actor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Jet Li as Transnational Actor - Essay Example He has taken different career paths such as martial arts, film production, martial arts and acting. He started training for martial arts when he was still a young boy. He trained rigorously in Wu Bin and this helped him in winning a championship in the Wushu competition. This was the turning point of his life. He retired from Wushu when he was 19 years old. He now started acting in several Chinese martial arts film. Later he performed in other Hollywood movies the Expendables being on of the movies that hit the box office movies list. This article is review of Jet Li development in his career an actor, how his various roles in varied cultures have grown him and the overall public reception he has had. Jet Li Careers in Martial Art at Wushu Li was born the last born of a family of five children. When he was only two years, his father died leaving his mother with the huge responsibility of raising the children alone. Jet Li joined Wushu when he was very young. At the age of 8, his trai ners realized the talent that he possessed and he was enrolled for classes. He participated in the sports performed by the Wushu teams. This team would perform in the all Chinese games and this gave him the exposure he needed in martial arts. During this time, he was coached by Wu Bin and Li Junfeng. The coaches realized the talent in this young man and would even go an extra mile to ensure that he did not miss on practice and that he performed well. Jet Li came from a poor family background. The coaches would buy Jet Li family meat as this was the diet recommended for a fighter. A diet with meat as a predominant content was crucial to keep an athlete physically fit. As a member of the wushu team, He traveled to 45 different countries to perform. In 1974, he performed together with the Wushu team before the former president of America Richard Nixon. Nixon was deeply impressed by Jet Li prowess that he requested him to be his personal body guard. Jet Li turned this offer down because he said that he was not meant to protect an individual but hoped that when he grew up he would be able to protect a billion Chinese citizens. During this performance, he won the All Round National Wushu Championship a title he continued to hold for the next five consecutive years. When at Wushu, Jet Li trained on several Wushu martial skills. Among them include praying mantis fist, drunken fist, eagle claw fist, shape intent fist and northern long fist style (Ushan, 2011: 182). He retired from Wushu when he was just seventeen and this is the time he began his acting career. Acting Career Chinese Films Li releases his first film in 1982 and it was called the Shaolin Temple. This movie became a hit in china and opened him to Chinese film. He later relocated to Hongkong where he acted in several Chinese martial arts movies. He got his screen name in 1982 when a publicity company in Philippines though that his real name was hard to pronounce. They likened his new career with a jet whic h takes off very fast. The name jet Li was born and was placed on his movie poster. Soon, people started referring him with his new name which is stuck and he has used it ever since. In 1991, he acted in another Chinese film called the Once Upon a Time in China. Here, he assumed the role of a legendary hero who fought against invaders thereby safeguarding and protecting the lives and property of his countrymen (Leon, 2005: 216). Later he acted in the movie fist of Legend which was a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Progressive View and the Challenges of a Flawed Democracy Research Paper
The Progressive View and the Challenges of a Flawed Democracy - Research Paper Example Democracy as an American idealism for better services and transparency has been wanting in other sectors. The political party competition championed the spirit of democracy and the freedom of the people in the early 20th century. In 1912, the presidential contenders campaigned on a platform of respect for people’s right and democracy. They urged voters to consider electing people who agitated for the democratic right. Winston won the presidency because he had a progressive agenda. He won the election fighting for a progressive democracy given the country was undergoing difficulties brought by the Industrial Revolution (Milkis, 2012). The political party during the early 20th century were grappling with the threat of democracy. According to Tocqueville, the local government was the groundwork for democracy (Milkis, 2012). However, the federal government was flawed by the influence of large corporations. The corporations influence the day to day running of government because their candidates run over the government. It is these flaws that political parties viewed as a threat to democracy. They rallied their supporter on the promise of introducing trust laws that checked on their activities. The industrial revolution came with the emergence of prominent businessmen who were opulence and connected to political leaders. This period referred to as the ‘Gilded Age’ left the industrial workers and subsistence farmers vulnerable to exploitation. The businessmen corrupted the methods of government and neglected the plight of workers. This was a threat to democracy and Democrats leaders as well as Republicans were viewed to be irresponsible and pursuing their own interest (Milkis, 2012). Democracy has been practiced since the ancient Greeks.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay Example for Free
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected the president of the United States of America in 1960 at a young age. At that time, the General Eisenhower was ageing. He was known for his frequent heart attacks and his love for golf than he was, for his opposition to the military industrial complex especially among the young people. At the same period, the young generation had a sense of optimism, that nothing was impossible and that no problem could go unresolved. The time had come for the older generation who had made mistakes to move over and let the new comers find solutions to the problems that faced Americans. They did not want to repeat the mistakes that the older generation had done, like the wars and the crusades against the ‘red menace’. These ideas motivated their white supporters and the black students from the South who were fed up with the policies that ruled them before. As a young catholic politician, JFK, together with a young black Baptist minister, Martin Luther King, expressed their high hopes and the dreams for the era of the young generation to rule. William Terence says that it was this young generation that had loyally pledged allegiance to the flag each morning in school, and it was in the schools across the nation that they were told of the unique promise of America. While the adults were concerned with leisure, the young generation, who had been constantly reminded in high school of their fortunate status as citizens of the wealthiest democratic society in the world, was determined to make the American dream become a reality. (William T. M. R. , 1997, pgs 57-58) President Kennedy’s cause on civil rights According Garth E. Pauley in the book, â€Å"The modern presidency and civil rights†, President Kennedy was known as the champion of civil rights and the leader of a ‘second reconstruction’. His attitude towards the civil rights has been considered irrational. It is said that he was not knowledgeable on the civil rights because they were alien to most of his experience. He was from a privileged lifestyle that did not provide him with a deep knowledge or feelings about the racial prejudices that his fellow citizens possessed. He also had little interaction with black people in Boston or in Hyanisport except as servants. However, meetings with the African Americans leaders seemed to advance the president a little in his own commitment to human rights. He was sympathetic of the many problems confronting the blacks, and therefore worked to ensure the passage of the housing, employment, tax and education measures to help improve the circumstances for the black people. (Pauley Garth E. , 2001, pgs 105-112) In 1963, Kennedy ultimately took strong action on civil rights and spoke about the moral imperative of racial inequality. In doing so, he needed to satisfy the score of Americans, who protested against prolonged federal inaction, reduction in the potential for racial violence and attempt to maintain the shred of confidence that the African Americans still had in the federal government. President Kennedy also wanted to aid the moderate civil rights leaders like Roy Wilkins, Martin Luther King, Jr. and James Farmer in securing their objectives lest the movement be taken over by radicals. He also led the fight for civil right in order to prevent the isolation of black leadership and the embitterment of the African American people. (Pauley Garth E. , 2001, pgs 105-112) JFK’s core beliefs President Kennedy was a man with core beliefs concerning certain issues surrounding humanity. An example of such beliefs is his stand on war and the Cuban missile crisis in 1943. His aversion to war was more pronounced during the first decades of the nuclear era. As early as 1947, the 29 year old freshman and congressman was gripped by the escalating suspicions of the cold war, which drove him to warn of the nuclear apocalypse publicly. In his own words, he said that, â€Å"The greatest danger is a war which would be waged by the conscious decision of the leaders of Russia some 25 or 35 years from now. She will have the atomic bomb, the planes, the ports, and the ships to wage aggressive war outside her boarders. Such conflict would truly mean the end of the world and all our diplomacy and prayers must be exerted to avoid it. †His words show his core belief on war, that it is immoral and inhuman. Stern Sheldon M. , 2003, pg 40) In the book Averting the ‘final failure’, Sheldon says that in all of president Kennedy’s life, he had a high regard for personal courage and toughness, but at the same time, he loathed the brutality and the carnage of war. He also had a profound historical paradox; that human beings had never been capable of building a peaceful and stable world, but at the same time, war, especially between nations possessing nuclear weapons, was no longer a rational option. The president was also an anti-communist just like his missile crisis advisers, but he understood that once military conflict was unleashed between the nuclear superpowers, all bets were off. (Stern Sheldon M. , 2003, pg 41) The Cuban missile crisis provided the supreme test of President Kennedy’s capacity to have an open mind and, at the same time, to hold fast his core beliefs about war in the face of unyielding pressure from the experts around him. (Stern Sheldon M. , 2003, pgs 41) The president also believed in liberty and in doing what one wanted to do. He was an athlete, a family man, and the Pulitzer Prize- winning author. He did anything he wanted to do, and hence his decision to engage himself in politics at such a young age. (Gramm Kent, 2001, pg 183) Effect of Catholic background to JFK’s rule Religion is one of the critical elements emphasized especially by the Democrats in presidency, who confess that they must retain the trust of God fearing Americans. In 1960, The Democratic Party appointed John. F. Kennedy as their presidential candidate, despite him being a catholic, but most of his supporters Protestants. He was the second catholic to receive the presidential nomination after Alfred E. Smith of New York, thirty two years earlier. Smith suffered a devastating defeat after a campaign that was marred by vicious religious bigotry. Given this history, JFK addressed a speech before hundreds of Southern Baptist religious leaders in Houston, Texas, on September 12, 1960. In his speech, he expressed his regrets in the necessity of religion to the American presidential candidates. He said that there were other more important issues that could be considered to help decide who the president should be, like hunger, disease and inequality. (North David, 2004, pgs 97-99) He added that issues like war, hunger, ignorance and despair knew no religious barriers. But since his catholic background had had made religion an issue in the campaign, Kennedy said that, â€Å"it is apparently necessary for me to state once again- not what kind of church I believe in for that should be important only to me, but what kind of America I believe in. †He also said, â€Å"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute, where no Catholic prelate would tell the president (should he be a catholic) how to act and no protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote†¦. †He further stated that his conception of America was one in which â€Å"no public official either requests or accepts instruction on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source†and â€Å"where no religious body seeks to impose its will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public acts of its officials. †President Kennedy believed that religion should be a president’s own affair and should not affect American policies or the way he rules. (North David, 2004, pgs 97-99) JFK’s death and its effect on the civil right movements On November 22nd, 1963, the civil right movement received a crushing blow of JFK’s death. The president was solidly behind the civil right efforts and was actively pushing Congress for the passage of a major rights bill. This bill would make possible full equality among the African Americans and the Whites. On a visit to Dallas, as President Kennedy rode with his wife Jackie in a convertible in a parade, three shots rang out, hitting Kennedy in the head and neck. The president died shortly after. The death of the president made the future of the civil rights legislation uncertain. It was however ironical that the death of the president strengthened the proposed civil right bill, an advantage to the civil rights movements. Prior to his death, any civil rights legislation would have required significant compromise to pass both houses of congress. After his death, President Johnson (his successor) refused to compromise. The civil right Acts were also boosted by the fact that the presidential election was upcoming, and Johnson strongly endorsed the Civil Rights Act. With key Republicans emerging as allies and other law makers less inclined to squabble over a bill an assassinated president supported, the bill passed both houses of Congress with no significant changes. Later on, President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act into law. Effect of John. F. Kennedy’s presidency in the 21st century Today, the values of John F. Kennedy are evident, an example being the election of President Barack Obama. President John, F. Kennedy fought for equality among the African Americans and the Whites. In the 1960, it was impossible for a black man to become the president. All this started to change when President Kennedy pushed for the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. His assassination was a boost to passing of the bill, signaling the beginning of equality among all. The election of president Obama was definitely a reaping of fruits from the seeds sown by President JFK. The policies of President John F. Kennedy are seen in effect today, where equality reigns among all Americans, regardless of their cultural background, race or color. The fact that President Obama became president at 47 years could also be an inspiration by President Kennedy. In 1960, when John Kennedy was elected president, he received a lot of support from the young people. The old leadership had failed; the policies used then were fair. John F. Kennedy’s era was the start of the young leadership’s rule. He gave hope to the young and to the black African Americans, and was determined to attain the American dream. This was the case with the recent election. Most people preferred a young president to being ruled by an elderly person. President Obama gave America a hope, and promised to push America to achieve the American dream. Just as the youths supporting President John F. Kennedy believed, that nothing was impossible, so did the election of president Obama prove. The election of Obama’s election was also boosted by the fact that the Americans were fed up with Bush’s policies, which were also similar to those of John McCain. (Curtis Mark, etal, 2009, pgs 107-108) References 1) Curtis Mark, Owens Ronn, Age of Obama: A Reporters Journey with Clinton, McCain and Obama in the Making of the President, 2008, Nimble Books LLC, 2009, pgs 107-108 2) Gramm Kent, November: Lincolns elegy at Gettysburg, Indiana University Press, 2001, pg 183 3) North David, The crisis of American democracy: the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, Mehring Books, 2004, pgs 97-99 4) Pauley Garth E. , The modern presidency civil rights: rhetoric on race from Roosevelt to Nixon, Texas A M University Press, 2001, pgs 105-112 5) Penrice Ronda Racha, African American History for Dummies, For Dummies, 2007, pg 169 6) Stern Sheldon M. , Averting ‘the final failure’: John F. Kennedy and the secret Cuban Missile Crisis meetings, Stanford University Press, 2003, pgs 40-41 7) William Terence Martin Riches, The civil rights movement: struggle and resistance, Palgrave Macmillan, 1997, pgs 57-58
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
The American Red Cross The American Red Cross is an organization which has been helping people for many years. They take donations and put them toward helping people in times of need. They are a valued institution in the US. This paper will discuss the causes and effects of the American Red Cross. The Red Cross started in Geneva Switzerland. It provided nonpartisan care to wounded and sick starting in 1863. Clara Barton started a branch of the Red Cross in the US in 1881. It is called the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross takes donations and uses them to help the victims of disasters, wars and other times of need. The American Red Cross now responds to about 63,000 disasters every year. The American Red Cross has some paid employees as well as many volunteers. (American Red Cross). Human societies of different nations and culture contain people (also social members and actors) that constantly interact with social institutions and organizations, primarily because these institutions achieve a common goal that is desirable and agreeable to an individual or group. The American Red Cross is an example of such organization, which is a humanitarian organization centering on volunteerism, and provides "relief of victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. This is one the biggest Red Cross relief operation in the past five years, and we are so grateful for the generosity of Walgreens and its customers in support of our work said Gail McGovern, president and CEO of the Red Cross. (Gail McGovern) â€Å"This non-profit and independent organization offers humanitarian services such as blood donations, financial/monetary donation and funding, tissue donation, volunteerism, planned... ...Over 116,000 individuals and families were affected. The American Red Cross also operated over 470 shelters. The hurricane destroyed 16,500 dwellings and damaged 140,000 others. It killed at least 65 people and disrupted the area’s water and electricity. In the Caribbean over 300 paid staff and disaster specialists were assigned to help and 230 paid employees were assigned in the US. This hurricane cost 64 million dollars’ worth of damage. The American Red Cross helped rebuild homes, clean up damage, provide shelter for those who lost homes etc. 30 days after Hugo hit an earthquake rocked North Car! The Red Cross has helped many people and the Red Cross will hopefully continue contributing to the US and other parts of the world for many years to come. They have been working very hard since the 9/11 tragedy. They deserve a lot of credit for all of the work.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Context reflects values Essay
Context is a clear reflection of the values of any era, especially in Shakespeare’s canonical play Hamlet. The events and characters in Hamlet embodies the historical context of shifting religions and political uncertainty that lead to a society imploding. Composed in the 1600s, the murder of a king and the encroachment of foreign power would have had particular resonance for the audience as there was an innate failed invasion of Britain by Spain and an attempted assassination in the Court of Queen Elizabeth I. Additionally, the character Hamlet in this Elizabethan era represents the uncertainty of Christian values and the Renaissance need for restoring the ordained hierarchy. Hamlet was composed in a time of great political uncertainty in English history in which the Queen Elizabeth I had withstood an assassination attempt, a foiled uprising and a failed invasion by Spain. The events of Hamlet , in which a King is murdered and a country ultimately forfeited to foreign power, would have had particular resonance for an Elizabethan audience. This disorder can be seen through the garden imagery woven through the play: â€Å"unweeded garden in two months dead†. The disorder of the country is also seen through the incongruity of Gertrude and Claudius’s reunion: â€Å"Funeral bak’t meals are coldly furnished forth the marriage tables†The period in which Shakespeare wrote was one of explosive growth in knowledge. The Renaissance has seen a revival of Classical learning (reflected in references to Vigil in Hamlet), world exploration was challenged and revolutionising peoples’ conceptions of the universe with Ptolemaic heliocentric (sun-centered) model. Though Hamlet is an appropriation of a story told by Saxo Grammaticus, the ‘Revenge Tragedy’ prototype of Thomas Kyd and the Senecan Tragedy, Shakespeare transcends other tragedies by creating a protagonist that is more complex as Hamlet is a revenge hero that is reluctant to avenge. Through his inner conflict arising from his tragic flaw- procrastination, Hamlet represents the dichotomy of Christian values and the Renaissance need for order in the Elizabethan era. This conflict is crystallised in the Prayer Scene (III,iii) when Hamlet is passing through to his mother’s room when he comes upon the kneeling Claudius and recognises that he has an opportunity to kill him. He decides not to since, he reasons, if he kills his uncle at prayer Claudius will go to heaven and not to hell – that would be poor revenge. However, according to A.C. Bradley, this is Hamlet’s fatal flaw – procrastination as Hamlet tries to convince himself that this is his duty: â€Å"Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge†, yet is moral code prevents him from avenging. To this point, the audience is convinced that even if Hamlet was to kill Claudius at prayer, Claudius would not go to heaven like what Hamlet had thought because of Claudius’s ironic couplet: â€Å"My words fly up, my thought remain below/ Words without thought never to heaven go†. Hamlet’s conflict is also caused by his humanitarian self, denoted through his soliloquies and paralleling the age of enlightenment. In his soliloquy, he debates the medieval doctrines that demand for a son to absolve his father’s ‘murder’ with conflicting Christianity. In a bitter tone, his despair is denoted through self-laceration: â€Å"lecherous, kindles villain†. Yet this is again an excuse for procrastinating as his frustration at ‘thought’ prevails over any kind of ‘resolution’. In conclusion, it is obvious that the values of any era are reflected through its context. The events and characters in Hamlet mirrors the innate instability and religious upheaval of the 1600s.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Learning Team Collaboration Worksheet Essay
1. What are the advantages of having diversity in a collaborative learning environment? The point of any collaboration is to bring together different ideas for one solution. By exchanging opinions, everyone can decide what works best for the group. When too many like minded people come together, they dole out the same product. If a group contains all organizers or thinkers, they might have a 10 page paper of all conflicting ideas because they couldn’t agree on one topic. History’s bloodiest events usually started with one group of likeminded people pushing their ideas onto the rest of the world. 2. How might factors such as learning and work styles affect your team’s collaboration? Having a diverse set of people in a group can only improve it. Thinkers can look at a topic from all sides, which can help a team anticipate arguments and have an answer ready. Givers can be the voice of reason, helping the group stay on task when an organizer or thinker is stuck on a non consequential detail. Adventurers think outside the box, they may come up with the topic itself or can be counted on to liven up a stale presentation. Organizers are decisive; choosing what information stays, what gets tossed, where it fits, and how to best unify a paper. Like Henry Ford’s assembly line, each person has a role that has to be met for the product to be finished. 3. How can critical thinking improve your team’s collaboration? Being in a team can generate original and creative ideas, making for an interesting project. Critical thinking is the research and facts to uphold those ideas. This involves finding credible sources with valid facts. This question is kicking my butt! I’ll get it eventually. 4. What are methods for improving team writing? Prewriting is the longest step in the writing process, involving the overall topic of a project and all the research. This is where a team can contribute ideas and opinions, and a rough draft is formed. After this process is finished, the actual writing should be simple. The second draft could be written by one person to ensure that it stays in one voice throughout the paper. Then the team can review the draft and make changes as needed.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Abortion, Religion, and the Death Penalty essays
Abortion, Religion, and the Death Penalty essays In this paper, I will argue against the most controversial things that exist, including religion, the death penalty, and abortion and try to find consistency in people that are in favor of it and in their arguments. These are things that should be handled with common sense and not with the mindset that everything has some type of divine intervention or religious answer. Furthermore, I will take a stance that will show that religion is used as an excuse for people in this world to believe that life is something worth living for because of the after-life. First off, I would like to start with a term we have all heard that is referred to as the Sanctity of Life. Personally, I think its a crock of nonsense. Life is sacred? Who said so? God? If you read history, God is one of the leading causes of death, has been for thousands of years. Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Hindus all killing each other because God said it was a good idea. Some of the most brutal wars have been fought over religion, the Crusades for instance. Even if you do try to talk about the Sanctity of Life you cant try and blame it on God because we made it up. You know why? We are alive, thats why we made it up. Living people have a strong interest of promoting that life is sacred. What does Richard Nixon have to say about the Sanctity of Life? Whats the latest from JFK? What do the victims of the World Trade Center attack have to say about it? Nothing! Thats because Richard Nixon, JFK, and the victims of the World Trade Center are all dead. Last time I checked, dead p eople could care less about the Sanctity of Life; only living people care about it. Therefore, it grows out of a completely biased point of view. It was a self- serving man-made bunch of garbage. Its one of these things we tell ourselves to make us feel noble. If everything that ever lived is dead, and everything that is living is going to die, then wh...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of the Great Newspaper Publisher Joseph Pulitzer
Biography of the Great Newspaper Publisher Joseph Pulitzer Joseph Pulitzer was one of the most influential figures in the American journalism in the late 19th century. A Hungarian immigrant who learned the newspaper business in the Midwest following the Civil War, he purchased the failing New York World and transformed it into one of the leading papers in the country. In a century known for raucous journalism which included the introduction of the penny press, Pulitzer became known, along with William Randolph Hearst, as a purveyor of yellow journalism. He had a keen sense of what the public wanted, and sponsoring events like the around-the-world trip of intrepid female reporter Nellie Bly made his newspaper extraordinarily popular. Though Pulitzers own newspaper was often criticized, the most prestigious award in American journalism, the Pulitzer Prize, is named for him. Early Life Joseph Pulitzer was born April 10, 1847, the son of a prosperous grain dealer in Hungary. After his fathers death, the family faced grave financial problems, and Joseph chose to emigrate to America. Arriving in America in 1864, at the height of the Civil War, Pulitzer enlisted in the Union cavalry. At the end of the war, Pulitzer left the Army and was among the many jobless veterans. He survived by taking a variety of menial jobs until he found a job as a reporter at a German-language newspaper published in St. Louis, Missouri, by Carl Schurz, a noted German exile. By 1869 Pulitzer had proven himself to be highly industrious and he was thriving in St. Louis. He became a member of the bar (though his law practice was not successful), and an American citizen. He became very interested in politics and ran successfully for the Missouri state legislature. Pulitzer bought a newspaper, the St. Louis Post in 1872. He made it profitable, and in 1878 he purchased the failed St. Louis Dispatch, which he merged with the Post. The combined St. Louis Post Dispatch became profitable enough to encourage Pulitzer to expand to a much larger market. Pulitzers Arrival In New York City In 1883 Pulitzer traveled to New York City and purchased the troubled New York World from Jay Gould, a notorious robber baron. Gould had been losing money on the newspaper and was happy to be rid of it. Pulitzer was soon turning the World around and making it profitable. He sensed what the public wanted, and directed the editors to concentrate on human interest stories, lurid tales of big city crime, and scandals. Under Pulitzer’s direction, the World established itself as the newspaper of the common people and it generally supported the rights of workers. In the late 1880s, Pulitzer employed the adventurous female reporter Nellie Bly. In a triumph of reporting and promotion, Bly circled the globe in 72 days, with the World documenting every step of her startling journey. The Circulation Wars During the era of yellow journalism, in the 1890s, Pulitzer found himself engaged in a circulation war with rival publisher William Randolph Hearst, whose New York Journal proved to be a formidable challenger to the World. After battling with Hearst, Pulitzer tended to draw back from sensationalism and began advocating for more responsible journalism. However, he tended to defend sensationalist coverage by asserting that it was important to catch the public’s attention in order to make them aware of important issues. Pulitzer had a long history of health problems, and his failing eyesight led him to be surrounded by a number of employees who helped him function. He also suffered from a nervous ailment which was exaggerated by sound, so he tried to stay, as much as possible, in soundproof rooms. His eccentricities became legendary. In 1911, while visiting Charleston, South Carolina aboard his yacht, Pulitzer died. He left a bequest to found a journalism school at Columbia University, and the Pulitzer Prize, the most prestigious award in journalism, was named in his honor.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Marketing Conference - Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing Conference - Marketing Strategy - Essay Example Interaction, responsibility to the community and employee satisfaction Competition analysis: Understanding where our products rank in the market place is important to better determine how to improve our market share among consumers thus improve our revenue. A comprehensive analysis of the activities of our potential competitors is an ever going business objective. Government grants are funded by tall money. They therefore require very strict compliance and reporting measures to ensure that the money given is well spent. Unfortunately grants are never given away indiscriminately. However, other sources of funding are available. Nonetheless, it is still important that to research the target market, in order to ensure that customers will pay for the product. The cost of starting up of a business can be mitigated through: Bank Loan: This is another option for funding once target market is ascertained. The bank will need a realistic cash flow forecast, and proof that the loan will be paid back with interest. The bank may require provision of securities against the loan such as a house or car in case you don’t pay. This requires stringent risk analysis. The targeted market is often defined in terms of demographics and psychographics. In demographics, the target market is considered using variables such as gender, age, education, house-hold income, marital status, employment status, residence and the number of children in the house-hold. For example, Kick Covers could target consumers aged between 26-to-50 years old with yearly house-hold income of $50000 or more, or house-holds with children aged six years or younger. Psychographic: This is a general term for consumer’s personality traits, beliefs and attitudes about social issues (opinions) personal interests (sports, music or movies),and shopping orientations(price sensitive shoppers, recreational shoppers, convenience
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Article critque Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Article critque - Essay Example Stark says that managers must also include all employees who work in the organization as part of the planning process, instead of only relying on other finance officers. Stark suggests that there needs to be a plan that establishes the business need for a forecast and that it should be followed for best results. He outlines a plan for them. In order to create a plan, Stark suggests that when the organization is making the forecast, they should use at least two years of data. This data should include data from "multiple healthcare information systems (HIS), spreadsheets, small departmental databases and enterprise data warehouse information (p. 2). These sources will give the most accurate forecast. He suggest that data has to come "in their pure form" to make the forecast completely accurate. They also have to find a way to gather the information before it is purged from their system (he explains that most healthcare organizations purge data around the two year mark). Once the information is gathered it should be examined in a visual way either through trend, distribution or scatter graphs to see whether it is "clean data" or "to find anomalies" (p. 3). Once the information is gathered, a model is then build using either a "cause and effect, time series [or] judgment model," depending on the needs of the particular hea lthcare business (p. 3). According to the biographic information, Stark is VP of product management for an organization called MedeFinance. Although he works in finance the model he used seems to be left up to the individual organizations to interpret as to how to use it. Parts 3 and 4 of the model that have to do with building the model and evaluation of the model are difficult to understand for the lay person. If this was something that was being explained to employees other than financial people, it would be better written in laymens terms. Also, some financial managers may have difficult understanding the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Influnce of greek mythology on the modern world Research Paper
Influnce of greek mythology on the modern world - Research Paper Example This corpus of materials includes a huge collection of narratives, some of which explains the origin of the world and others that detail the lives and adventures of various gods and goddess, heroes, heroines, and mythological creatures. These accounts were initially disseminated in an oral poetic tradition primarily referred to as written Greek literature in modern world. Tames (2009, p 40) notes that Greek mythology is rich in stories of heroes and heroines who were victorious, gods and goddess that quarreled frequently and also creatures that were usual and mysterious. The Greek mythology provided entertainment to the Greek people while at the same time trying to offer answers to question about how the world and human beings came into existence .This tales were very powerful and provided a great inspiration to ancient Greek arts and materials for their play. In additional, these tales provided important and valuable records of history and provide encouragement to the Greek to take pride in their cultural past that was very vibrant. Tames states that the Greek myths were traditionally passed from one generation to the other orally. Also many at times, poets were paid in order to make a recitation of poems which they had memorized. Later on, these tales were put down onto written .documents. Tames (2009, p 40) The influence of Greek mythology on modern society According to, (2011), Greek mythology has continued to exert an extensive and profound influence on various fields on modern society for hundreds of years. The impacts of Greek mythology in today’s modern world can be noted in various areas including; language, sport, literature, psychology, Astronomy, modern Art, Films and Drama. The influence of Greek mythology in the aforementioned areas will be dealt with below in a detailed and comprehensive manner and where possible appropriate examples provided., (2011) Language Even though few people speak Greek language internationall y, Greek mythology has shaped English and other languages over the world. For example, the phrase â€Å"Herculean task†means a task that requires great input and effort. The drug which is known as morphine derives its name from the Greek god of sleep; Morheus.The concept â€Å"venereal disease†has specific reference to god Venus. The term â€Å"aphrodisiac†, which refers to any substance or circumstances that arouses sexual desire originates from the goddess of love In modern days, a woman who may not be beautiful can be called a â€Å"happy†, that is, a winged monster with a woman’s torso and birds feet. On the other hand, a man who is handsome is referred to as â€Å"adoris†, that is, the mortal man who was so handsome that Aphrodite goddess fell in love with him. Computer viruses known as â€Å"Trojan â€Å"have their comparison to the Greek –built Trojan horses, that were used by the Greek to gain access to Troy and end the Tr ojan,states that the impacts of Greek mythology on language is not confined to individual words in modern world but extends to many other expression, proverbs and clinches . For example, the expressions â€Å"caught between a rock and a hard place†and â€Å"between the devil and the blue sea†both came from the tales about sailors being caught between the monsters Scylla and Charybdis of the Greek mythology.(,2011) Some of the other commonly used expression that demonstrate the impact of Greek mythology in modern society include; on Achilles heel meaning a single fatal
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Knowledge Attitude Practices Repeat Cesarean Health And Social Care Essay
Knowledge Attitude Practices Repeat Cesarean Health And Social Care Essay Cesarean delivery is defined as the birth of a fetus through incisions in the abdominal wall and uterine wall . An increase of in the cesarean delivery has been observed worldwide. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that no region in the world is justified in having a cesarean rate greater than 10 to 15%. According to the WHO, cesarean delivery rate of more than 15% is indicative of inappropriate use of resources . According to Department of Health, the Philippines 2006 national cesarean rate is 24%. In Davao Medical Center (DMC), the rate as of 2008 is recorded at 19% as depicted in the OB-Gyne departments annual cesarean review statistics. In the US, most common indication of cesarean section is repeat cesarean which accounts for 35% of all cases as reported by the United States Public Health Service. The rates have been steadily increasing due to a higher number of sections for fetal distress as electronic fetal monitoring has been used extensively for presumed fetal compromise, the many breech presentations delivered abdominally as well as the increasing acceptability of cesarean delivery by maternal request. Before the 1970s, deliveries by cesarean section were considered as an indication for cesarean section in the subsequent pregnancies, reflecting a concern that uterine scar tissue might rupture during labor. However, in the 1980s, the dictumonce a cesarean, always a cesarean, espoused by Craigin (1916) was revised in many countries, and a trial of labor in women with history of cesarean section was proposed as an attempt to reduce cesarean section rates. However, an apparent increase in the incidence of uterine rupture and concern about maternal and fetal safety have challenged the choice of vaginal delivery in women having a scarred uterus. As a consequence, clinicians are increasingly being faced in deciding the mode of delivery in pregnant women whose first delivery was by cesarean section. This scenario has also been observed in the Philippine setting. DMC, as a specific case, recorded increasing cesarean deliveries accounting to a third of all deliveries for 2008, of which, 11.53% for repeat CS while 19.8% for primary CS. In contrast, Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section is a measly 1.2% of the total deliveries for 2008. This is due to the fact that patients who underwent VBAC were admitted for imminent delivery. Majority of these patients were not prepared during their prenatal visits and were unaware of the complications and risks of VBAC. The confounding reason of such practice is primarily economics: the high cost of undergoing an elective CS delivery as compared with the cost of vaginal delivery. These patients would rather risk undergoing VBAC without the benefit of intrapartum monitoring specifically for those attempting to deliver at lying-in clinics or at home. Based on the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) study, the incidence of uterine rupture is low at .2-.7% (Landon,2006). But despite its low incidence, ACOG guidelines on VBACS specifically mentioned that VBAC be performed in an institution where an obstetric, anesthesia, pediatric, and operating-room staff is available. This scenario provided impetus for the conceptualization of this study which is aimed at determining the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of repeat C-section patients and their willingness to undergo vaginal birth after C-section at DMC. Review of Related Literature In 2004, the number of C-sections had reached an all-time high, accounting for 29% of all births or 1 million babies (National Center for Health Statistics). This is despite the convention that vaginal delivery is associated with less maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality as compared with repeat cesarean section (Chauhan, 2004). For example, observational studies data from around 90,000 deliveries, have shown an increased risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity among term infants delivered by caesarean section (3.5-3.7%) compared with vaginal birth (0.5-1.4%). The following maternal risks significantly increase with increasing number of repeated caesarean deliveries: placenta accreta, injury to bladder, bowel or ureter, ileus, the need for postoperative ventilation, intensive care unit admission, hysterectomy, blood transfusion requiring four or more units and the duration of operative time and hospital stay (Russen et. al. 2004). Moreover, authors speculated that a prolonged inter-pregnancy interval may allow time for the previous cesarean delivery scar to reach its maximal tensile strength before the scar undergoes the mechanical stress and strain with a subsequent intrauterine pregnancy (Shipp et. al., 2000). Menacker et al. (2006) noted that cesarean rates fell between 1991 and 1996, and then began to rise rapidly. In 2004, over 29% of all births were by cesarean section. The rise in both the total and repeat cesarean rate has been widespread for women of all ages, races, medical indications, and for all infant gestational ages. The study also noted steep decrease in VBAC rate from 1996 to 2004 (see Figure 1). From this trend, the authors opined that the influence of recent medical opinion discouraging VBAC has had a strong effect on practice patterns, and had led to greater uniformity as well as a large increase in repeat cesarean deliveries by 2003. Figure 1 (Source: Menacker et al. pp. 236) The dramatic increase in cesarean sections over the past two decades has been significantly driven by repeat C-sections. In response, clinical guidelines recommending vaginal birth after cesarean-section (VBACS) have been promulgated by international organizations from different countries such as the United States, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and Australia. It is construed that adherence to these guidelines would reduce the number of repeat C-sections, lower the overall C-section rate and improve both the quality and the cost of health care. While these guidelines have received professional endorsement, their implementation has been clouded by issues of patient acceptance and provider payment. Neff (2004) discussed the risks and benefits of VBAC. Successful VBAC generally is associated with shorter maternal hospitalizations, fewer infections, less blood loss and fewer transfusions, and fewer thromboembolic events than cesarean delivery. However, a failed trial of labor may be associated with major maternal complications, such as hysterectomy, uterine rupture, operative injury, increased maternal infection, need for transfusion, and neonatal morbidity. Multiple cesarean deliveries are associated with an increased risk of placenta previa and accreta. With VBAC (Landon, 2004), the incidence of maternal death is extremely low. The incidence of perinatal death is less than 1 percent, and is more likely to occur during a trial of labor than an elective repeat cesarean delivery. Uterine rupture during a trial of labor after a previous cesarean delivery is a life-threatening complication directly associated with attempted VBAC. The patients obstetric history influences the risk of uterine rupture. A previous vaginal birth significantly reduces the risk of uterine rupture. Also, the longer the length of time between deliveries, the lower the risk of rupture. Women who attempt VBAC who have interdelivery intervals of less than 24 months have a two- to three-fold increased risk of uterine rupture compared with women whose interdelivery interval is more than 24 months. A study conducted Hopkins and Potter (1998) on C-sections patients in Brazil concluded that while many women fear the pain associated with childbirth and the consequences of a vaginal birth for the baby, they do not clamor for C-section delivery. Obstetricians were observed to have overplayed these fears to their advantage thereby overly estimating safety of C-section delivery. In fact, it has become a routine practice and is considered as safe or safer than a vaginal delivery. The study further documented that majority of first-time mothers in public and private hospitals wanted to deliver vaginally and considered vaginal birth superior in terms of recuperation. A majority believed that vaginal delivery does not have effect to their or their partners sexual life. Though majority was found to have considered normal childbirth more painful than a cesarean, but most also believed a cesarean causes a lot pain after the delivery. Less than 33% agreed that a cesarean is safer for the baby and less than 20% of women agreed that a C-section is safer for the woman. Objectives of the Study The objectives of the study are twofold: To come up with a profile of the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) towards vaginal birth after C-section (VBACS) among repeat C-section patients Determine whether the KAPs of the respondents significantly influence their willingness to undergo VBACS Statement of the Problem This present study seeks answers to the following questions: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of their knowledge, attitudes and practices about VBACS? What is the frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of their willingness to undergo VBACS? Do the KAPs of the respondents significantly influence their acceptance to undergo VBAC in their next delivery? Does counseling about VBACS affect the respondents willingness to undergo vaginal birth after C-section? Conceptual framework It is hypothesized that the KAPs of the respondents toward VBAC significantly influence their willingness to deliver vaginally after having experienced C-section in their previous delivery. Significance of the Study The most common reason that a C-section is performed is that the woman has had a prior C-section delivery. DMC is not spared from the increasing trend of repeat C-section rate. Since vaginal delivery is undoubtedly associated with less maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, not to mention, medical supplies and other hospital resources, there is a need to find ways in order to reduce repeat C-section rate in DMC. DMC, a tertiary and referral hospital in the Southern Mindanao Region, has no available data on KAPs of women towards VBACS. Thus, the range information that this investigation will generate could provide baseline information that can be used to design appropriate interventions aimed at reducing the overall C-section rate in the institution. One of which is by counseling and encouraging patients to undergo VBACS. One of the significant risks when considering VBACS is uterine rupture because it has been the belief and fear of many repeat cesarean patients that a previously scarred uterus is too weak to withstand trial of labor hence discouraging them from going into VBACS. The information that would be gathered from this study would be of help in counseling repeat C-section patients ante-nataly and post-nataly to enable them to plan their preferred spacing intervals for the subsequent pregnancies. This is because women with prior C-section birth is considered high risk and so to optimizing maternal well being and healthcare. Moreover, data about the knowledge, attitude and practices of patients who had prior CS birth on VBACS would be of help to assess the level of acceptance of these patients and hopefully allay their fears thereby coming up with the best informed choice. Lastly, the results of the investigation could spur future research in the subject VBACS. Dependent Variable The willingness of the respondents to undergo vaginal birth after cesarean section in their next delivery Independent Variables The profile of the respondents in terms of their knowledge, attitude and practices towards vaginal birth after cesarean section. MethodOLOGY Design A descriptive cross-sectional survey design would be employed to address the research questions. Setting Outpatient department of the OB clinic in Davao Medical Center Respondents and Sampling All patients who had a prior C-section birth seen at the high risk clinic of the DMC OB OPD will be included in the sampling frame from February to April 2010. The sample size will be determined using the model , where n is the sample size, N is the population size and e is the margin of error. Inclusion Criteria All patients who had a prior CS birth will be included in the study. Exclusion Criteria Patients who will not give their consent will be excluded from participating. Data Extraction The questionnaire will be pilot tested among ten patients with previous CS at the DMC OB OPD. A structured survey form will be used for gathering data about the respondents KAPs towards VBACS and their willingness to undergo vaginal delivery (see Attachment 1). The principal investigator (PI) will conduct a one-on-one administration of the survey form. Prior to gathering information pertinent to the questions in the survey, informed consent (see Attachment 2) will be secured by the PI. After data gathering, the principal investigator will counsel the respondents about VBACS, its indication and absolute contraindication, complications and the VBACS ACOG guidelines. A post-test question will be done on their willingness to undergo VBACS after being counseled. Ethical Consideration Approval from the hospital ethics committee will be sought before the study will be conducted. After thoroughly discussing the nature, methodology and objectives of the study to the respondent, a written consent will be asked from each participating patient. Data Analysis The KAPs of the respondents towards VBACS will be profiled using descriptive statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage distribution. Their willingness to undergo vaginal delivery before and after counseling about VBACS will also be described using frequency and percentage distribution. Logistic regression analysis will be used to determine whether or not the KAPs of the respondents significantly influence their willingness to undergo VBACS. Time Frame The study will be conducted in February-April 2010. Budget Materials: 10,000.00 Miscellaneous: 8,000.00 Total: 18,000.00
Friday, October 25, 2019
Interactivity In Art Essay -- Art Design Artistic Essays
Interactivity In Art Abstract: This essay examines the nature of interactivity in the arts through a cybernetic model, to arrive at an understanding of how interactive artworks can maintain and augment the subjectivity of the viewer. The cybernetic discourse foregrounds the relationship between the physical artifact (machine and/or work of art), the participant/spectator, and information/data/content. By examining the shifts in focus from each part of the cybernetic equation, several models for interactivity in art emerge. In a search for a definitive and user-centered working model of interactivity in the arts, a logical place to look is at the history of cybernetics. Cybernetics, defined by Norbert Wiener in Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine as â€Å"†¦the entire field of control or communication theory, whether in the machine or in the animal†(Wiener 11) contains a number of pointers to a useful model of interactivity. The origin of the term cybernetics from the Greek, meaning â€Å"to steer†, implies a reciprocal relationship between external forces, the machine, and the human to maintain a condition of homeostatic. In a work of interactive art, as in Wiener’s description of a bee-hive, the secret of its organized action lies â€Å"in the intercommunication of its members†(156). A second fertile site to mine for understanding the nature of interaction in the arts is the traditions and conventions of the art object itself; at how the art object is thought to project feeling and meaning , to change across time and culture, and to involve the viewer, temporality, and artist in a dynamic interchange within an aesthetic dimension. Toward these ends, I will address two questions:... ...n, 1999) Susanne K. Langer, Mind, an Essay on Human Feeling, John Hopkins University Press, (London, 1982) John C. Lilly, M.D., Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, Julian Press Inc, Crown Publishing Group, (New York, 1969) Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media, MIT Press, Leonardo Books, (Cambridge, 2001) __ On Totalitarian Interactivity (notes from the enemy of the people,, 1996. Heinz von Forester, â€Å"Molecular Ethnology: An immodest proposal for Semantic Clarification, †Observing Systems, 2nd Edition,, Intersystems Publications, (Salinas California 1984) Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, Autopoesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (Dordrecht: D. Reidel 1980). Perry Hoberman, Faraday’s Garden,
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Filipino Overseas Contract Workers in the US Essay
For the first study, it is expected that the researcher would determine the factors that motivate Filipinos to leave their own country and work abroad. This would include their financial situations in the Philippines together with family size, occupation of spouse, occupation or educational level of the children, and other demographics. Since it is quantitative, it is expected that the study will be able to generate statistics in order to determine the best reason for their migration. Participants would probably prefer to migrate because of more compensation and support for multicultural groups (Zalaquett,, 2008). This also includes an opportunity to work with the protection of the law implemented in the United States. Qualitative data would suggest poor chances of development for them in their own country. It is also expected in the trend study results that US foreign policy will be implemented for the migration of Filipinos in the country. More Filipinos are expected to leave their country and eventually take their families after they have established their lives in the States. However, the study does not make use of any scale in concluding for its objectives. The study is also limited to Filipinos whereas other races such as Israelites and Palestinians are not included. Also, the focus is only on the reason why Filipinos prefer to leave the Philippines and work in other countries (American Psychological Association, 2002). Based on the expected outcomes of the study, it is recommended by the researcher that further studies be initiated on this specific topic. It is also recommended that a study be conducted on job satisfaction of Filipino overseas workers (OFWs) in the United States and compare them with those who prefer to stay in the Philippines. A comparative study on worker’s rights and social security policies between the Philippines and other OFW filled countries is also recommended to further supplement the results of the present study. References American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code Of Conduct (PDF). Zalaquett, C. , Foley, P. , Tillotson, K. , Dinsmore, J. , Hof, D. (2008). Multicultural and Social Justice Training for Counselor Education Programs and Colleges of Education: Rewards and Challenges. Journal of Counseling & Development, Volume 86, Number 3, 323 – 329.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Deforestation Extinction Of Species Conclusion Essay
Deforestation Tropical forests include dense rainforests, where rainfall is abundant year-round; seasonally moist forests, where rainfall is abundant, but seasonal; and drier, more open woodlands. Tropical forests of all varieties are disappearing rapidly as humans clear the natural landscape for construction, to build roads and urban areas and make room farms and pastures (Lindsey, 2007). Although deforestation meets some of the human needs, it also has profound, sometimes devastating, consequences, including extinction of flora and fauna, social conflict, and climate change, challenges that are not just local, but global. At the current rate of deforestation, the world’s rain forest may completely vanish in the next century (Lindsey, 2007). Jungle burned for agriculture in southern Mexico. (By Jami Dwyer via Wikimedia Commons) Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes (National Geographic, 2015). The forests are the home to a large number of animals; trees are also an important component of the water cycle (Bose, 2012). The roots of trees hold the soil together and prevent soil erosion. Deforestation at such alarming rate has been a cause of constant worries for environmentalists the world over (Bose, 2012). In some developing countries, massive deforestation is on-going and shaping climate and geography (Science daily, 2015). Deforestation may lead to a lot of causes, ranging from slow forest degradation to sudden and catastrophic wildfires. Deforestation results from removal of trees without sufficient reforestation; however, even with reforestation, significant biodiversity loss may occur Moreover, deforestation also alters the hydrologic cycle, the moisture in the atmosphere and the amount of water in the soil and groundwater (Science daily, 2015). Deforestation in indigenous territories by loggers, colonizers, and refugees has sometimes triggered violent conflict (Lindsey, 2007). Forest preservation can be socially divisive, as well. International and national governments and aid agencies struggle with questions about what level of human presence, if any, is compatible with conservation goals in tropical forests, how to balance the needs of indigenous peoples with expanding rural populations and national economic development, and whether establishing large, pristine, uninhabited protected areasâ€â€even if that means removing current residentsâ€â€should be the highest priority of conservation efforts in tropical forests (Lindsey, 2007). There are a few reasons which cause deforestation; one of the biggest drivers of deforestation is conversion to cropland and pasture, mostly for subsistence, which is growing crops or raising livestock to meet daily needs. Farmers cut forests to provide more spaces for grazing livestock and planting crops. The conversion to agricultural land usually results from multiple direct factors. For instance, countries build roads and railway expansion into remote areas to improve overland transportation of goods. The road development itself causes a limited amount of deforestation (Lindsey, 2007). When loggers have harvested an area’s valuable timber, they will continue to harvest more. The roads and the logged areas become a magnet for settlers, farmers and ranchers who slash and burn the remaining forest for cropland or cattle pasture, completing the deforestation chain that began with road building (Lindsey, 2007). In other cases, forests that have been degraded by logging become fire-prone and are eventually deforested by repeated accidental fires from adjacent farms or pastures (Lindsey, 2007). Wildfires and slash and burn agriculture release carbon dioxide that would otherwise be stored in the forest biomass into the atmosphere. Forest regrowth and crops recapture some carbon, but overall, deforestation is a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide and therefore a contributor to global warming. In the Amazon alone, scientists estimate that the trees contain more carbon than 10 years’ worth of human-produced greenhouse gases (Lindsey, 2007). When people clear the forests, usually with fire, carbon stored in the wood returns back to the atmosphere, enhancing the greenhouse effect and global warming. Once the forest is cleared for crop or grazing land, the soils can become a large source of carbon emissions. In places such as Indonesia, the soils of swampy lowland forests are rich in partially decayed organic matter, known as peat (Lindsey, 2007). During extended droughts, such as during El Nià ±o events (large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across the central and east-central Equatorial Pacific), (National Ocean Service, 2014) the forests and the peat become flammable, especially if they have been degraded by logging or accidental fire. When they burn, they release huge volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (Lindsey, 2007). It is not certain whether intact tropical forests are a net source or sink of carbon. Certainly, the trunks of trees are a large, stable pool of carbon that grows as forests mature or regenerate on previously cleared land. But trees, plants, and microorganisms in the soil also respire, releasing carbon dioxide as they break down carbohydrates for energy. In the Amazon, huge volumes of carbon dioxide escape from decaying leaves and other organic matter in rivers and streams that flood large areas of forest during the rainy season (Lindsey, 2007). Extinction of Species The variety and interdependence of all living things has led to the evolution of world. Man has been killing animals’ right since the time he acquired the skill of hunting (Bose, 2012). Although in those times, hunting was the means for survival, human beings continued to kill animals even after they had learned to cultivate crops. The relentless hunting by human beings, sometimes for the hide of a cheetah or the tusks of the elephants, or simply to cook the tasty shark fin soup, has wiped out the existence of a large number of animals in just a century (Bose, 2012). Besides hunting, human activities like deforestation and environmental pollution has led to the extinction of a large number of animals and plants due to loss of their habitats. Since prehistoric times, humans have used the earth’s resources to enrich their own lives. However, there is a point when the resources are being overexploited, and this exploitation begins to threaten the existence of other species. Over exploitation presents itself in many forms: exhausting a species as a supply of food or hunting a species for trophies, clothing, medicine or souvenir. In the aquatic biomes, overfishing is a worldwide manifestation of over-exploitation (Hogan, 2014). In the case of terrestrial ecosystems, overgrazing and intensive cropping systems are the chief elements of over-exploitation. Hunting for trophy or medicinal extracts comprises smaller biomass destruction, but is specifically targeted at some of the most threatened fauna of the planet (Hogan, 2014). These practices are generally overtly mercenary, rather than being motivated by subsistence or hunger, as most of the farming exploitation. For example, tigers have been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine for over 1000 years and as such, they have been hunted to the brink of extinction as a product of the lucrative trade in tiger body parts (Hogan, 2014). Base on this picture, these are the modern biotic extracts store in Hong Kong, China. Certain of these products represent trade in organisms that are endangered species. Pollution is the introduction of potentially harmful chemical or physical constituents into the environment, which substances substantially harm individual species metabolisms, or which strongly and rapidly alter a stable historic ecosystem composition (Hogan, 2014). This introduction usually enters the atmosphere, soil or natural water systems of the Earth. Widespread air pollutants are sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Water and soil pollutants of concern are heavy metals and a large category of pesticide and herbicide compounds (Hogan, 2014). Chemical pollutants may interfere with metabolic functions, causing functional impairment or death of organisms. Reductions in species numbers anywhere within a given food chain, of course, have ramifications to other members of the ecosystem (Hogan, 2014). Pollution is often a contributing factor along with habitat degradation in extinction processes. Here are some species that have all gone extinct in the past two centuries. The Quagga (Equus quagga ssp. quagga) was a subspecies of the common plains zebra and a native of South Africa. Known for its unique stripes, the Quagga was hunted for its hide and killed by ranchers who believed the animals competed with livestock for grazing area. The last known Quagga died at the Amsterdam Zoo in 1883 (Gerken, 2013). Known as Tasmanian tigers due to their stripes, thylacines (Thylacinus cynocephalus) were the largest modern carnivorous marsupial according to the Smithsonian Institution (Gerken, 2013). They once existed across the Australian continent, but their habitat had been reduced to the island of Tasmania by the time European settlers arrived (Gerken, 2013).Thylacines were believed to kill livestock and were often shot and trapped. They were a convenient scapegoat for poor financial returns and high stock losses at a time of rural depression in Tasmania according to the National Museum of Australia (Gerken, 2013). The Tecopa pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis calidae) was native to the Mojave desert in California and could survive in waters as warm as 108 degrees Fahrenheit (Gerken, 2013). Human development around the Tecopa Hot Springs in the mid-20th century and the channelling of two springs together left the habitat unsuitable for the small fish. The Tecopa pupfish became extinct by 1970 or soon after (Gerken, 2013). Conclusion â€Å"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.†- Mahatma Gandhi. It is widely recognised that we are hugely overspending our current budget of natural resources. At the existing rates of exploitation, there is no way for the environment to recover in good time and save it for our future generation. Everything on our mother earth is interconnected, and while the nature supplies us with valuable environmental services. Without any of it, we cannot exist. We depend on each other’s action and the way we treat natural resources. We should adopt a holistic view of nature. It is not an entity that exists separately from us; we are an inalienable part of nature and we should care for it in the most appropriate manner. This is the only way we possibly solve the problem of environmental pollution. The only key to save our beloved Mother Earth has been wandering with us from the very beginning. It has been silently drifting, waiting for someone to discover its dominating power.
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