Tuesday, December 17, 2019
We Learn Culture Through Communication - 978 Words
Culture is not something you’re born with, like blue eyes or black hair; culture is something you learn through communication (O Hair Wiemann, pg.67, 2011). Culture also includes your continued way of thinking, feeling and behaving. Just as we learn culture through communication, we also use communication to express our culture (O Hair Wiemann, pg.68, 2011). As a child I observed all of my mother’s behaviors. From observing my mother I quickly learned three things respect, independence and honesty. Many say I am very independent just as my mother is. Within cultures, there are co-cultures. Co-cultures are groups whose members share at least some of the general culture’s system of thought and behavior, but which have distinct characteristics or group attitudes that both unify them and distinguish them from the general culture. Some co-cultures are defined by interest, activities, opinions, or by membership in particular organizations (O Hair Wiemann, pg.80, 20 11). There are several co-cultures in which I identify. I am an African American woman, student, mother, daughter, sister, Christian, quiet and very outgoing person. I enjoy sports but do not play them. I also enjoy helping others. I value my family, friends and life itself. I may be African American but I associate with others that are white, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Italian and much more. Back in high school I was â€Å"shy†co-cultured but now I am more confident and don’t mind conversation with strangers. All ofShow MoreRelatedCommunication Is A Human Relationship Essay1593 Words  | 7 PagesCommunication is one of the most loosely defined terms in cultural studies. It encompasses a whole variety of experiences, events, actions and multitude happenings. The English world communication has been derived from latin word ‘communis’ which means to make common. 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