Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Case 2 - Find Somebody Else Essay - 691 Words
Case 2: Find somebody else Question 1: What principles of supportive communication and supportive listening are violated in this case? During the conversation between Ron Davis – the relatively new general manager of the machine tooling group at Parker Manufacturing and Mike – a plant manager who reported to Ron, Ron had violated some principles of supportive communication and supportive listening. First of all, Ron had violated Descriptive and Problem-Oriented principles. For example, Ron expressed his thinking and opinion about what Mike did and stated Mike’s personalities: â€Å"I think you’re too chummy with some of your female personnel†or â€Å"I think you’re creating a substandard impression by not wearing a tie†and â€Å"Having things in†¦show more content†¦* Violated Descriptive Example: I think you’re too chummy with some of your female personnel. Having things in disarray reflects poorly on you. * Violated problem-oriented Example: I think you’re creating a substandard impression by not wearing a tie. I wonder if you are paying attention to these reports. You seem to be reviewing them superficially. * Violated validating Example: There are some others things, though, that need to get corrected. * Violated specific Example: As I walked through this morning, I noticed that it wasn’t as orderly and neat as I would like to see it. * Illustrated Conjunctive Example: You may not be sensitive to what’s really going on with them. But that raises another thing I noticed. Regarding neatness, I notice that you don’t dress like a plant manager. * Illustrated Owned Example: I’m glad you’re sensitive to the neatness issue. I just think you need to pay attention to it. You just need to get more serious about taking care of that part of your responsibility. * Violated Supportive Listening Example: That may be so, but you need to be more careful. Question 4: Conduct a role play. Handle the key issues that exist between Ron and Mike. Identify the principles that you used to make this a productive conversation. If you were Ron, what would you do in your follow-up meeting with Mike? The principles that I used to make it more productiveShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Relational Unions And Connections1675 Words  | 7 Pagesrelationship whereby a few people may cheat as an endeavor to escape a relationship (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 2). In most sentimental connections the most well-known sort of swindling is the sexual duping where somebody hones sexual conduct outside a submitted relationship. 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