Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Case 2 - Find Somebody Else Essay - 691 Words
Case 2: Find somebody else Question 1: What principles of supportive communication and supportive listening are violated in this case? During the conversation between Ron Davis – the relatively new general manager of the machine tooling group at Parker Manufacturing and Mike – a plant manager who reported to Ron, Ron had violated some principles of supportive communication and supportive listening. First of all, Ron had violated Descriptive and Problem-Oriented principles. For example, Ron expressed his thinking and opinion about what Mike did and stated Mike’s personalities: â€Å"I think you’re too chummy with some of your female personnel†or â€Å"I think you’re creating a substandard impression by not wearing a tie†and â€Å"Having things in†¦show more content†¦* Violated Descriptive Example: I think you’re too chummy with some of your female personnel. Having things in disarray reflects poorly on you. * Violated problem-oriented Example: I think you’re creating a substandard impression by not wearing a tie. I wonder if you are paying attention to these reports. You seem to be reviewing them superficially. * Violated validating Example: There are some others things, though, that need to get corrected. * Violated specific Example: As I walked through this morning, I noticed that it wasn’t as orderly and neat as I would like to see it. * Illustrated Conjunctive Example: You may not be sensitive to what’s really going on with them. But that raises another thing I noticed. Regarding neatness, I notice that you don’t dress like a plant manager. * Illustrated Owned Example: I’m glad you’re sensitive to the neatness issue. I just think you need to pay attention to it. You just need to get more serious about taking care of that part of your responsibility. * Violated Supportive Listening Example: That may be so, but you need to be more careful. Question 4: Conduct a role play. Handle the key issues that exist between Ron and Mike. Identify the principles that you used to make this a productive conversation. If you were Ron, what would you do in your follow-up meeting with Mike? The principles that I used to make it more productiveShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Relational Unions And Connections1675 Words  | 7 Pagesrelationship whereby a few people may cheat as an endeavor to escape a relationship (Gunderson and Ferrari 2008 2). In most sentimental connections the most well-known sort of swindling is the sexual duping where somebody hones sexual conduct outside a submitted relationship. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
We Learn Culture Through Communication - 978 Words
Culture is not something you’re born with, like blue eyes or black hair; culture is something you learn through communication (O Hair Wiemann, pg.67, 2011). Culture also includes your continued way of thinking, feeling and behaving. Just as we learn culture through communication, we also use communication to express our culture (O Hair Wiemann, pg.68, 2011). As a child I observed all of my mother’s behaviors. From observing my mother I quickly learned three things respect, independence and honesty. Many say I am very independent just as my mother is. Within cultures, there are co-cultures. Co-cultures are groups whose members share at least some of the general culture’s system of thought and behavior, but which have distinct characteristics or group attitudes that both unify them and distinguish them from the general culture. Some co-cultures are defined by interest, activities, opinions, or by membership in particular organizations (O Hair Wiemann, pg.80, 20 11). There are several co-cultures in which I identify. I am an African American woman, student, mother, daughter, sister, Christian, quiet and very outgoing person. I enjoy sports but do not play them. I also enjoy helping others. I value my family, friends and life itself. I may be African American but I associate with others that are white, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Italian and much more. Back in high school I was â€Å"shy†co-cultured but now I am more confident and don’t mind conversation with strangers. All ofShow MoreRelatedCommunication Is A Human Relationship Essay1593 Words  | 7 PagesCommunication is one of the most loosely defined terms in cultural studies. It encompasses a whole variety of experiences, events, actions and multitude happenings. The English world communication has been derived from latin word ‘communis’ which means to make common. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Taking the Cleaners to Westfield Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Taking the Cleaners to Westfield. Answer: The unions in Australia have already strike their actions in support of an international sweep through the internal retails (Locke, 2012). However, from the last 2years it has been seen that Westfield, which is the largest shopping centre group, has been refusing a pay rise for around 1700 peoples who mainly cleans the shopping malls in Australia. Therefore, the cleaners unions started a campaign known as Clean Start so that their voices can be heard. Their main want is an increase in their pay from $17-$18 along with rise in their CPI. Apart from the demand of wages they further claimed for their job security, clauses where cleaners should not abused, payments should be cash and in hand and so on (Seccombe, 2013). However, unions should seek to involve across the national borders because among the cleaners there are people who are from immigrant backgrounds as well and so along with other mainly the people who are coming from another country to work in Australia finds it very diffic ult to survive in so less money. Therefore, as there are immigrants in the campaign thus, involvement of the national boarders becomes necessary. Westfield against whom this campaign is mainly about because they are stubborn to negotiate (Evans, 2014). They mainly place their accounting cleaners across three continents and therefore, United States as well as United Kingdom comes into the forefront. Thus, taking the campaign across the boarders is necessary to take their issues in a broader platform so that it gets resolved as early as possible. As this campaign known as Clean start is engaging people across the national borders thus, to make this campaign successful it is important that the campaign must keep it in mind that they are attracting people with this cleaners issues in Australia must also be relevant in national borders (Tapia Turner, 2013). There also the issues must have similarities, which can easily attract the people in this campaign therefore it is important that the peoples behavior, habits, needs and motivations must be observed keenly before taking this campaign to the national borders. The key issue of the campaign should slowly present to those who are facing the same issues in the national border. Thus, the audience should be carefully targeted along with the areas and then the unions should do their campaign so that their voices can be reached to right ears and get more supports in national borders. Moreover, the message of the campaign or the reason for the campaign should be consistent. The Union campaign should not divert their cause else, they might looser supporters. Therefore, the circumstances in which this particular union campaign can get success in national boarder if they can seek more supporters overseas by targeting those who are also facing similar causes and can come together with their genuine demands. Therefore, as they have immigrant workers in their Union campaigns thus, taking their campaign to national borders can benefit them if more workers facing similar issues can join them (Connolly, Marino Lucio, 2014). This will not only make their issues get highlighted in broader forum but may also force the government as well as Westfield to negotiate on their demands. References Connolly, H., Marino, S., Lucio, M. M. (2014). Trade union renewal and the challenges of representation: Strategies towards migrant and ethnic minority workers in the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.European Journal of Industrial Relations,20(1), 5-20. Evans, J. (2014). Ideational border crossings: rethinking the politics of knowledge within and across disciplines.Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education,35(1), 45-60. Locke, C. (2012).Workers in the margins: Union radicals in post-war New Zealand. Bridget Williams Books. Seccombe, M (2013) Taking The Cleaners To Westfield, The Global Mail, November 19, 2013,, sourced 20 December 2013 Tapia, M., Turner, L. (2013). Union campaigns as countermovements: mobilizing immigrant workers in France and the United Kingdom.British Journal of Industrial Relations,51(3), 601-622.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Language Arts Development in Elementary
The growth of personality as well as intellectual development comes about when one nurtures and develops his ability to communicate effectively. To develop the ability to communicate effectively the skills of reading, listening, writing, representing ideas visually, and viewing (language arts) are essential for this purpose (Nelson, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language Arts Development in Elementary-Aged Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Gunning (2010), though the language arts are independent from each other they are connected to one another. In this respect, written language comprises of both reading and writing. Spoken communication involves speaking as well as listening. On the other hand, visual language is a result of visual representations and viewing. According to Gunning (2010), reading is the construction or derivation of meaning from a written material. Reading is a tech nique that provides a person with the ability to access a wide array of information that brings about fulfillment and enjoyment. Reading is a fundamental aspect in the elementary aged student’s literacy process. Gunning (2010), argues that through reading elementary students explore their motives and investigate answers that facilitate the understanding of themselves as individuals as well as those around them. For a reading program to be effective there is need for widespread reading among the elementary students accompanied by functional instructions from the teachers. In other words, the teachers have a role of motivating students and cultivating competence through setting goals, managing the behavior in the classroom and making assessments (Gunning, 2010). According to Neuman, Copple, and Bredekamp (2000), writing is a technique that involves submission of an individual’s ideas by encoding them into comprehensible words fitted together to form understandable terms. It is putting on paper one’s ideas. Elementary aged students in developing interest in writing motivate themselves and develop the ability to become mature writers. According to Gunning (2010), this comes as a result of highly effective teaching that facilitates conscious learning among the elementary students.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The teachers should encourage the students to be independent writers, provide motivation, and promote a feeling of competence. The teacher’s assistance should be secondary providing assistance when the student has difficulty in spelling, handwriting as well as encoding material on paper. This will promote independence in writing among the elementary students (Neuman etal, 2000). Speaking is the use of vocals for communication purposes via a particular language. In normal circumstances, elementary students have the ability to speak and express themselves freely. However, in some exceptional instances this is not the case as some students lack the capability to speak. According to Nelson (2011), students develop a better and clearer understanding of speech when subjected to new experiences. In addition, a student may motivate himself to develop ample ways of vocally expressing themselves when they develop new interests. In this respect, a student at elementary level to develop new interests should have diverse experiences to develop their speech and ability to express themselves. According to Gunning (2010), listening becomes the first language art any human being develops. In hearing technological sounds, sounds of nature and the speech of other people infants develop clues of their environmental surroundings. At this age, they are not able to discern what they hear and cannot tune out much. In entering elementary ages, a student should be able to get deeper meaning and purpose in what they hear around them. A t this stage, many students have difficulty in distinguishing what they are supposed to pay attention to and what they should ignore.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language Arts Development in Elementary-Aged Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The technique of reading aloud as well as asking questions develops the skill of listening. According to Gunning (2010), teachers in facilitating development of this skill should capitalize on what the students know and relate old concepts with the new in order to trigger familiarity that facilitate listening. Viewing is the observing and inspection of visual media. It includes watching or observing materials such as pictures, videos, maps, and photographs. In developing this language art skill, the elementary aged student prepares a foundation for skills of critical thinking. The student will need such skills in the higher levels of education. Viewing promotes cr itical thinking as the students in observing the visual images are able to understand their meanings by interpreting their content (Nelson, 2011). According to Nelson (2011), visual representing is the expression of one’s ideas through visual images. With regard to elementary aged students, visual representing comes in the form of collages, drawings, diagrams, and models. The student in conveying information should organize information, and convey such through a visual product. For elementary aged students the complexity of the visual product is insignificant. The important aspect is whether the visual representation has sent the intended message to the viewer. In conclusion, Gunning (2010) acknowledges that though the language arts exist separately in their own respect, they are interrelated. For instance, when reading or speaking about a story filled with humor, the students will develop the concept of humor whereby they will recall the humorous things they had experienced. In turn, they will put such recollection in writing or through visual representing. References Gunning,T. (2010). Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students, (7th Ed.). Pearson: Pearson Publishers.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nelson,A. (2011). The Six Language Arts Skill. Retrieved from Neuman, S. B., Copple, C., Bredekamp, S. (2000). Learning to read and write: Developmentally appropriate practices for young children. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children. This essay on Language Arts Development in Elementary-Aged Children was written and submitted by user Jillian Farmer to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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